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Kj's POV
I bang my head against the door. "Let me the fuck outta here now dipshits!!" I yell while I continue to bang my head against the door. "I have to get back to my fucking girlfriend so let me the fuck outta here!!" I shout again. Just silence, no footstep nothing. I'm all alone here with no one with me and Mac is with a clone of me and evil older me. "Why the hell did I turn out this way?" I mutter aloud.
"That's because older you is smart." A males voice says from the other side of the room, I turn around to see Grandfather.
"There's two fucking door?!" I shout. He lets out a sigh.
"Is that your first fucking question?? Like really? Not 'how can I get out' or some shit like that?" He says while putting his fingers to his temples and closes his eyes.
"What the fuck." I mutter. "Why are you in here?" I ask.
He shrugs. "Older you wanted me to come in here to convince you." He says.
"Convince me of what?" I ask eyeing him.
"To y'know join The Overwatch early so we can get you through the whole orentaion shit show and so we dont have to erase your memories." He says while walking up to me, I scoff and glare at him.
"Why the hell would I ever join your shit fest?" I ask. "I feel like you guys would have orgies every Saturday." I say again.
"Okay first off no those are every other Saturday." He says, I raise my eyebrows. "Anyways we will cure Mac if you come and join us." The Grandfather says while holding out his hand. I look at it and then back at him. I look at my own hand. I look back at him.
"So if I joined you Mac will be better?" I ask.
"She will, we can bring her in right as soon as you agree and when she is better we will send her and the other two back to 1988, November 1st." He says.
I look down at his hand. I grab it and shake it. "Fine." I mutter, he smiles at me.
"Welcome to the darkside." He says.

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