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~Kj's POV~

We all ride in silence untik we reach the end of the block. "Okay chanel 6 got it?" Tiffany asks. Erin checks the Walkie-Talkie.

"Yep, chanel 6!" She says.

"Great, see you both after our rounds!" Tiff says as me and her start to peddle away. I start to hear metal banging and a scream behind us. I slam on my breaks. Tiff looks back. "What's going on?" Tiff asks.

"I dont know." I say, I start to peddle that way. I notice two guys dragging Erin as she is kicking. I rush over and try and grab her. They let her go and run off. "Erin." I say. "Erin are you okay?" I ask.

"They took your walkie Tiff, I am sorry, I can try and pay you back." Erin says while looking at Tiffany who is right next to me.

"It's fine." She says. "But I am going to kill thoses fuckers, that thing costed me 49.99 dollars."

"I also wanna take a swing at those fuckers, I bet it's the guys from ealiar just trying to get revenge." Mac says. I glance over at her.

"Well where would they be?" I ask while getting up and helping Erin up too.

"Probalaby the old house that was stopped being built, my brother goes to parties there and it's the local hangout spot." Mac says.

"Okay then we will look there." Tiffany says. "And if anything happened to my walkies they are fucking dead I swear."

"Okay." I say. I pick up my bike and we all follow Mac to the old house. We ride through grass until we reach a patch of trees. Ahead is the old house. Mac gets off her bike and lets it fall to the ground, she takes off her paper poutch thing too. I set down my bike in the grass and take off my paper holder thingy too. Tiffany and Erin put down their kickstands and let their bikes rest on them. We creep up slowly to the house. My hand brushes against Mac's I glance over at her. My face heating up. Mac doesnt look at me. But she grabs my hand and holds it as we get closer to the house. She lets go of my hand when we get inside. She walks over to Erin.

"Have you ever been in a fight before?" Mac asks while whispering. Erin nods her head yes. "Really?" She asks suprised.

"Yeah." Erin whispers.

"Show me your fist." Mac says. Erin holds up a sloppy fist. "You wanna make a fist like this." Mac says while grabbing onto Erin's hand. A pang of jelously shoots through me like I was stabbed or shot. Watching Mac hold Erin's hand. I mean yeah Im not gay! But still. I dont even know really.

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