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A/n so this story wont be long cause my phone isnt working well, and I forgot what I wrote.
"Tiffany come with me." The lady says Erin stops Tiffany from going.
"We all go togther, so if you want Tiffany you need all of us." Erin says looking at the lady.
"Fine." The lady sighs. We follow her to this hallway and she talks about stuff and then she takes us to a launch pad area. "I'll send you girls back to the year you 4 are from." The lady says while pressing a button. A ship comes down from the ceiling. All of a sudden a guard walks into the room, the lady points her gun at him. "Sit down over there." She says pointing at the stairs. The guy sits down, we all get into the space craft. The guy shoots the lady, I rush out of the space craft and run over to her Erin grabs a bottle from the space craft. It was filled with robot bugs, she lets them out and they go onto the ladys wound. "Go! Before your stuck here." She says.
"C'mon guys!!!" Mac yells the space craft. Tiff runs out and tries to get us to come back in. I run into the space craft with Mac. Erin and Tiff start to run too but the door closes. Erin and Tiff start banging on the door, me and Mac do the same. All of a sudden we get sucked down of the ship, leaving Tiff and Erin behind. I sit on the floor hands on my face.
"We, we left them." I say. Mac puts a arm around me.
"Hey KJ its okay. They'll probally meet us back in our year." I look at her.
"You think so?" I ask.
"I know so." She replies.
"Im sorry for punching you." I say. Mac smiles.
"Dont be, but. Why did you do it?" She asks.
"Because.. I found something out about older me." I say, Mac looks at me. "When we were at the party, I met a friend of older me. Well, turns out she wants a friend, aparently older me and her.. are.. dating." I say. Macs eyes widen.
"So, that means." Mac says. I nod my head.
"Yes, it means that Im gay, I like women." I say. Mac smiles. I look at her. "What?" I ask.
"Oh nothin." She says while leaning her head on my shoulder. I smile. I look over at Mac, and Mac looks at me. "Your like really pretty." She says. I smile more. She leans in closer to me. And I lean in closer to her. And well, before I know it our lips touch. It felt like forever, and I didnt want it to end. But Mac pulls away, smiling. I tilt my head.
"What?" I ask.
"Nothing I just didnt know that the rich princess was a good kisser." Mac says. I punch her arm and we laugh. I look at Mac and smile.

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