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~Kj's POV~

"Y'know their all just fucking bitches and assholes right?" Tiffany asks as we walk to class. Me and Tiff have most of our classes together which Im glad about

"Yeah I know! Im just worried about y'know my parents finding out about all of this and then I cant talk to Mac anymore." I say.

"Oh shit you parents sound like total assholes!" Tiff says.

"They sometimes can be, they only like to make bad situations all about themselves  which is hopocritical of them, oh and they loveeee to make money about things like when I went missing my parents just got money out of it they didnt even try to look for me, and they only sent my brother to look for me only once." I say while shrugging my shoulders.

"Damn that is really shitty." Tiff says. I nod. "Hey maybe you can have a sleep over at me place!" Tiffany says. I look around.

"Yeah! That would be fun!" I say while smiling.

"And I could invite Mac~~~" Tiffany says. My face turns bright red and my eyes widen.

"Yeah that would be fun!" I say.

"But no funny bussiuns!" Tiffany says. My eyes widen.

"Dude we are twevle! What would w do?!" I say while panicking.

"I know! Im just joking!!" Tiffany says while laughing.

"God fucking damn it Tiffany your a fucking weirdo!" I say while shoving her in the arm.

"Hey cutie!" Mac says while putting a arm around me.

"Hi sweetie!!" I say while smiling.

"Whatcha guys talkin bout?" Mac ask us.

"Me and Kj were talking about having a sleepover tonight!" Tiffany says. Mac nods.

"Ooo that sounds fun!" Mac says, her arm still around me.

"Yeah hey do you wanna come?" Tiffany asks.

"Yeah I can ask my dad!" Mac says. We spot Erin down the hall.

"Hey Erin!" I shout. Erin rushes over to us.

"Hey guys whats up??" Erin asks.

"We all were gonna have a sleep over at my place! Wanna come?" Tiffany says.

"I'll ask my mom and make sure that she will be okay without me for a night, I mean I was gone for like a whole night and she kinda needs my help sometimes but I'll ask her and see if thats okay." Erin says. The bell rings.

"Alright! Better head to class then! See you guys after school!!" Tiffany says while hurrying off. Mac waves bye to her.

"I'll see you later cutie." Mac says while giving me a kiss on the cheek. My face goes red.

"Bye darling." I say. Mac waves bye to Erin ane me and heads off to her lasy class.

"Hey what class do you have??" Erin asks.

"Oh I have History how bout you??" I say.

"Same! Can you show me where it is?? I still dont know my way around here to well." Erin says while laughing, I nod.

"Yeah! C'om I dont want us to be late to class, Mrs. Gibbin doesnt like it when people are late." I say. I walk down the hall and Erin follows close behind.

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