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~Mac's POV~

I dont know why our stupid ass fucking school does this but they let us outside during lunch for a fucking stupid ass "break" like what the fuck, I mean I get we are 12 year olds but still! Some of the really horny ass fuckin kids are already fucking in the bathtrooms! God people are so fucking weird. Besides Kj. I walk to the back of the school and pull out a pack of cigs and my lighter. I sit down and grab a cig and pop in into my mouth, I light it. I inhale some smoke then blow it out. Footsteps sound from around the corner and I hide the pack of cigs and my lighter in my pocket with I put my already lit cig behind me. "Oh shit I am so sorry!!!" Kj says as I jump. I put my hand over my heart.

"Holy fucking shit Brandman! You almost gave me a heart attack!!" I say. I put the cig back into my mouth and inhale again. I blow the smoke the oposite way of Kj.

"Whatcha doin over here??" Kj asks while sitting down.

"Smoking and to get anyway from everyone but you." I say while inhaling again.

"There is rumors.." Kj says while bringing her knees up to her chest. I look over at her.

"Oh yeah know I fucking know, Imma kill those bastards." I say. Kj smiles. Shes so pretty.

"I fucking love you, Tiffany and Erin have tried to stop the rumors." Kj says.

"Yeah, Erin yelled at them in the hall, new girl gots some guts I tell you that." I say whike blowing smoke the other way again.

"Y'know I realized that we can like tell people what the future is like!" Kj says.

"You wanna con people?" I ask with a raised eye brow.

"It wont be conning! Because we already know a bunch of shit!! Like movies and like better cars! Oo and portable phones!!!" Kj says exictedly. I smile.

"Yeah but they wont believe us, no one will. They will just say that we are just a bunch of crazy kidnapped pshycos, and to top it all off me and you are dating which some people dont like that." I say. Kj shrugs and looks the other way.

"I know." She says. I finish my cig and smush it against the ground. I then grab Kj's face and kiss her. She kisses back. We kiss for a bit longer before we hear footsteps again. I pul away and slump back against the wall. Tanya and new girl round the corner. Tanya waves.

"Hey whats up!" Tanya asks.

"We were looking for you two!!" New girl says.

"You were??" Kj asks.

"Mhm!" Tanya says. Her and Erin were holding paper bags. "Anyways what'd you bring for lunch??" Tanya asks.

"Oh shit I forgot about that!!" Kj shouts. I laugh. I grab my paper bag from my right side.

"I packed a ham sandwhich, a beer, cheetos, and carrots." I say.

"Your lunch seems like a typical dad lunch." Tanya says.

"Oh shut up!" I say. "Whatd you bring huh Tanya?!" I ask.

"Well since you asked I brought a pb'j sandwhich, a juice box, doritos, strawberries, and a apple." Tanya says.

"Are yoy in kindergarten again?!" I ask while laughing.

"Whatd you bring Erin??" Tanya asks Erin.

"Oh uh I brought a left over slice of pizza, a cookie, razberries, potato chips, and a bar of left over chocolet." New girl says.

"How the fuck are you gonns heat up the pizza?!" I ask.

"I heated it up this morning." New girl says.

"Yeah but it'll get colder over time new girl." I say.

"Ehhhhhhhhh okay and?" She asks. I just roll my eyes.

"Hey Kj would you like some of my sandwhich?" I ask while spiltting my sandwhich in half.

"No Im fine." Kj says while shaking her head.  I eye her.

"Okayyy." I say while taking a bite out of my sandwhich.

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