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Kj's POV
We walk down the sidewalk, we had just left the arcade and the sun is starting to slowly set. I glance at Mac every few secounds. "Y'know we could go to the hospital now and get you treated." I say.
"Kj what would I tell them!" Mac says as we continue to walk.
"That your sick or something." I repile, Mac stops walking.
"Its not that simple Kj, and even in our time I cant go because my family doesnt have any money like your family does!" Mac says. I stop and look at her.
"Yeah but still, I could pay for it! I could just tell my parents-"
"Kj stop, we arent talking about this anymore." Kj says cutting me off, she starts walking again.
"But Mac! You could live past 16!" I say while catching up to her.
"Im supposed to die Kj!" Mac shouts. People who are walking look at us. I give them a sheepish smile.
"Mac I dont want you to die!" I beg her.
"Yeah right." Mac says rolling her eyes at me.
"I'm not lying Mac! I want you to live please! I want to be with you when we're older." Mac stops walking and shakes her head.
"Relationships don't last forever Kj, and when your older you date someone else." Mac says.
"Thats because you die! If we treat you now then you would be the one I'm kissing at the party!" I say to her. Mac gives me a look.
"Yeah right, we'll be together for less then a year and you'll get sick of me and leave me." Mac says while walking again.
"Where are you going?!" I ask staying where I am and throwing my hands in the air.
"Somewhere I can get away from you!" Mac yells. I sigh and lean against the building wall. The street is empty now, and Im alone.

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