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~Kjs POV~

The rocket lands on the ground with a hard thud, everything shakes, we all scramble out, its dark outside and its raining. We landed in the woods, I look around. "We have to go somewhere because if they find us they kill me." I say, Erin nods, we start to walk out of the woods.

"Where do you think we are?" Mac asks.

"Hopefully our town and year because I need to fucking sleep in my own bed." Tiff says while yawning and stregthing.

"Honestly this is the mosy fun Ive had in my whole life." Erin says while moving a branch put of her way. I nod in agreement.

"Yeah same, the most fun I was going to have was my barmistfa (a/n I cant spell it)." I say.

"Bro why the fuck do you have that weird thing?" Mac asks.

I shrug my shoulders. "No fucking idea my parents want me to do it." I say, me and Mac walk side by side, our hands almost touching. I can tell the other two are staring, Mac puts her arm around my shoulders. I smile a bit, Mac smiles at me.

"Are you guys gonna kiss or like are you just gonna be awkward as fuck?" Tiff asks. I laugh. Mac grabs my chin and kisses me.

"They make me feel single." Erin says. Tiff laughs.

"I feel like they've been dating longer than when we got seperated." Tiff says.

"Why do you think that??" I ask while looking at Tiffany.

"Well because Mac has-" Tiff begans but Mac covers my ears.

Mac uncovers my ears. "Tanya shut the fuck up." Mac says, Tiffany laughs along with Erin.

"Mac you've had a-" Erin begans but Mac covers my ears again.

"Shut up!!" Mac says uncovering my ears again.

"But you guys are already dating so why cant she know??" Tiffany asks, Erin nods.

"Just because!" Mac says while grabbing my hand and we start to walk, Erin and Tiffany start laughing from behind us.

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