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Mac's POV
Kj leaves the bathroom wearing a oversized Tshirt and shorts that I cant really see. Kj walks over and flops down on the bed, we got one bed to save money. "Hey princess." I say, Kj looks at me.
"Yes?" She asks.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" I ask her, her face turns bright red, she doesnt look at me but I grab her chin making her look at me. "So what's the answer darling?" I ask.
"Y-yes." She stutters. I smile and rub my nose against hers.
"Good!" I say, I give her a quick kiss before crawling to the top of the bed. I hear Kj laugh a little. I look back at her. "What?" I ask.
"Oh nothin, you just have a nice ass thats all." Kj says with a smirk on her face. My face starts to heat up, I look away and bite my lip. Kj crawls over to me and plops herself in my lap, I can feel my face turn even redder. She grabs my chin and looks at me in the eyes, damn those eyes. All of a sudden she starts to kiss me, it was a really rough and messy kiss but I didnt mind, and she didnt seem to mind too, it was lips against lips, teeth against teeth and tounge fighting tounge. She pulls away and starts to kiss and suck and bite on my neck, and Im 100% sure she is leaving hickeys. She tugs on my shirt, she then pulls it off and starts kissing down my collarbone, I stop her before she gets to mt stomache. She looks at me confused.
"Hey lets continue this tomorrow I am tired as fuck." I say, Kj nods.
"Okay!" We get under the covers. I dont bother getting my shirt back on I  just drift asleep with Kj in my arms.

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