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~Kj's POV~

"Your a ugly ass whore bitch." Mac says while flipping off Tiffany, she throws her hands in the air.

"Wow! Chill out! Just because I said Nerd are better than Penut Butter cups doesnt mean you have to be rude." Tiffany says. Mac crosses her arms.

"Yes it does." Mac says. "Hey Kj whats your favorite candy?" Mac asks me while tightening her grip on my hand. I look over at them.

"Hm? Ohhh I guess I'll have to go with Milkyways those are really good." I say, Mac puts her hand over her heart as if I shot her.

"You just broke my heart." She says. I laugh and punch her arm. "Peanut Butter Cups are the best and you guys are just fucking around with me!" Mac says.

"Honey we aren't, you just wont accept the fact that not everyone like Peanut Butter Cups." I says.

"Well Erin likes them!" Mac says while pointing at Erin.

"Ay! Dont bring me into this I said I dont care." Erin says.

"Ugh why do you guys hate meeee??" Mac asks, Tiffany hits her arm.

"You fucking dumbass." She says and Erin bursts out laughing. I look at Tiffany, we start to laugh uncontorlably.

"You guys are laughing at me!" Mac says.

"Sweetheart we arent." I say through laughter. "I love you." I say while kissing her on the cheek.

"Ugh I love you too fucker." Mac says, I smile.

"Stoppp you guys are making me feel singleee." Tiffany says. "You guys are so mushy sometimes." She says again and Erin hits her arm.

"Well I think it cute!" Erin says while smiling.

"You thought that dog was cute before it tried to bite your face off." Tiffany says.

"You almost got your face bitten off by a dog! Man I wouldve loved to see that, I bet it was funny as hell." Mac says.

"Thats mean! Y'know you are the one that shot her in the stomache and you were like 'oh no! Don't die! It was acident!' Your reaction was funny." I say.

"Okay dont bring that up." Mac says, I roll my eyes.

"I will bring it up cutie." I say while winking at her.

"Fuck you, you are so mean to me." Mac says.

"Your just overdramatic." I say, Tiffany makes a gag sound from behind me. I look at her and roll my eyes.

"Get a roommmmm." Tiffany says, Erin just smiles.

"Its love though!" Erin says.

"Your a weirdo." Tiffany says while patting Erins head.

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