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TW: Smoking and use of drugs
Macs POV
Kj holds onto my hand as we walk down the street, she is dragging me along like a little puppy on a leash. I try to slow down so I can grab the cigs from my pocket, Kj looks at me and sees me lighting the cig. "Why are you doing that?" She asks me. I wait a minute to respond, I blow smoke out of my mouth then look at her.
"Do what?" I ask.
"Why are you smoking?" She asks. I laugh.
"Wanna try it?" I ask her, holding out the cig, she takes it from my hand and uses it, she blows out a lot of smoke and she starts coughing. I laugh and take it back. "You like it?" I ask with a eyebrow raised. She takes it from me and uses it again, blowing out smoke but not coughing this time. I take it from her hand and kiss her. "Darling I dont want to be adicted to something like drugs." I say while rubbing our noses together. I throw the cig on the ground and stomp on it. "I already have a hard enough time trying to get to stop smoking and I dont want you to have that problem." I say while grabbing her waist.
"Well why dont you try and do something else when you have a urge to smoke?" Kj asks in her sweet voice. I smile and pull her closer.
"Like what princess?" I ask her.
"Like suck on suckers or there are these candy cigs that you could buy." Kj says. I smile at her.
"I'll keep that in mind princess." I say. Kj grabs my hand and smile.
"C'mon I wanna go do things my parents wouldnt allow me to do!" Kj says.
"Like what cutie?" I ask her. Kj shrughs her shoulders.
"I dunno what do you do for fun?" She asks.
"Well lemme think, I deliver papers and I ride my bike and that all." I say sarcasticly.
Kj rolls her eyes. "Jerk." She says. I throw my hands in the air.
"Hey thats not very nice of you." I say. Kj shoves me a bit. "Why dont we go to the arcade." I say.
"Yeah sure lets go." Kj says.

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