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Kj's POV
"We are back in 1988." Grandfather says, I look up at him from sorting shit to get my mind off of things, I nod my head.
"Kay." I say, he walks out and I leave the room. Mac, Tiff, and Erin wont remember me, this feels all wrong, I saved Mac but she didnt want to be saved, Mac wont remember how I saved her from that one lady in 2019, how I hugged her, how we kissed, how she held my hand in the barn! She doesnt want this, she never wanted it and I just pushed her, goddamn Im a terrible girlfriend. I rush down the hall to the room where they wipe memories, the three of them are in three different chair, Mac rolls her eyes when she sees me, Tiff looks at me sadly.
"What are you here to watch us get our memories wiped happily?" Mac asks.
"Grandfather needs you on the lower level." I say to the guards. Once they leave I walk over to the others, they have ropes binding their hands to the chairs. I undo the ropes on Erin since she was the closets.
"What the hell are you doing??" Tiff asks as I untie her.
"Setting you free what else did you think was happening?" I say while going to Mac.
"Leave me I'd rather have my memory wiped." Mac says, I grab the coller of her shirt.
"Drop you fucking tough girl act and let me get you out of here love." I say, Mac's face heats up. I untie her and then lead them to the smaller ships we took a week ago. I set the cordnets to take us to 1988. I jump onto the ship with them and it ejects us down wards. I cross my arms. "Your welcome." I say.
"Hey dont act like our friend! You betrayed us!" Tiff says. I roll my eyes and walk over to her.
"Im sorry." I say while holding my arms out for a hug. She smiles and hugs me back, Mac scoffs. I look over at her.
"Yeah right you were just on the bad guys team what if shes doing this for the bad guys!" Mac says. I roll my eyes. I go over to her and grab her arm.
"Why would I do that love?" I ask, I then pull her in for a kiss, she doesnt pull back she kisses back. I can tell the other two are staring.

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