KJXMACCC (last chapter♡)

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~Kj's POV~

Its been a like a year and half since we've been kidnapped and sent to the future, Im 13 soon gonna be 14 and the others are also 13. Everything has been so hectic like damn. Mine and Mac's relationship is still strong and thriving which is the best thing every, Mac had told me how Erin confessed her love and well uhh, me and Erin kind of had a fight which divided our friendgroup for a while. Me and Erin stopped being friends so Tiff and Mac made different days when they would hangout with who, liked divorced parents. My parents are still shitty as fuck so I stay with Tiff or Mac sometimes. Mac and Tiff hated switching with hanging out and making sure me and Erin didnt bump in the halls so Mac had a talk with me and Tiff had a talk with Erin, and we are good now! Everything has been a fever dream. I get dreams about the purple skies, being in the basement, Mac saying she wished we never dated, and me, standing there in the Overwatch uniform. It haunts my dreams every night. And I wake up expecting to be in the basement or older Erin's house or older Tiffs house or on the ship. I hate it. And I havent told anyone, expsially Mac. She can't know, no one can know....

I shut my "diary" and put it into my bag, I put my pencial on my desk. And frankly it isnt a diary, its just something that I use to write down all of my thoughts. I havent used it since January 1989. I zip up my bag and sling it over my shoulder. I get out of my spinny chair and push it under my desk. I open my door and walk down the hall. The T.V. playing downstairs, my dad and brother are watching the football game. My moms bitchy voice comes from the kitchen, she's on the phone with someone. I pull on my shoes.

"Im heading out!!" I shout.

"Okay Karina!!" My mom shouts from the kitchen. My dad just grunts in response. I open the door and step out. The cool air hugs me as I walk to the garage. School is out for the summer and for once today isnt that hot like yesterday. I am supposed to meet Mac, Tiff, and Erin up at the park so we can go to the pool. Then we are all gonna have a sleep over at Erins. I grab mg bike and close the garage door as I leave. I start to peddle down the street. My parents stopped me from paper delivering for a while until Im a bit older. I start to see the park. Tiff's bike is already parked, probally because she lives the closet to it. I guide up to it. My bike starts to shake as I go through the grass.

"Hey!!" I say while putting my kickstand down and waving at her. Tiff is sitting on the swings.

"Hi Kj!!" She yells. I run over. And plop myself onto the swing next to her. Erin starts to come up the hill. I stare at the woodchips under me. Tiff elbows me. "Hey are you okay?" She asks while waving at Erin.

"Oh yeah no Im fine! I was just lost in thought!" I say. Tiff nods skeptically. Erin runs over to us.

"Hey!" She says while sitting on the other swing next to Tiff. "So we are just waiting for Mac?" Erin asks. I look over at her.

"Yeah thats all." I say.

"Okay!" She says. I start to hear faint rock music coming closer. I look to see Mac with her walkman.
For Whom the Bells Toll by Metallic blasts from her head phones that are around her neck. She gets off and bike and throws it on the ground then rushes over.

"Hi Kj." She says while kissing me. Tiff gags and Erin does nothing.

"Hey sweetie." I say to her. Tiff hops off of her swing.

Alright lets go!!" Tiff says. I grab Macs hand and we run to our bikes.

~Time skip~
~Mac's POV~

I put my bike on the bike rack and sling my towel over my shoulders. I grab Kj's hand as we go in. "I have to go change!" Kj says while guiding me to the locker rooms. Erin and Tiff follows. She opens the big doors and steps in. Kj lets go of my hand and goes into one of the stalls to change. Erin and Tiff also go into other stalls. I  pull off my shirt to reveal my swimsuit underneath. Im wearing swimming trunks and a long swimming top. I replace my sneakers with sandles. Erin is the first one to come out. She is wearing a full body suit with a hole on the side and has a lepord print.

"Yo whats up dude, nice suit." I say while giving her a fist bump.

"Thanks you too!" She says, Kj and Erin both come out at the same time. Kj is wearing a bikin that has a dip to show her barley existing clevage, her swim suit is green and yellow and black which is really cute. Erin is wearing one of those suits that are like bikins but the top is a bit longer. Tiffany puts sunglasses one same with Kj and Erin. Kj noticing I forgot to bring sunglasses hands me a pair. I take them from her as we head out to find a spot to put our stuff. When we do Tiff and Erin run into the pool. Kj asked me to put sun screen on her back for her.

"Thanks." She says while smiling. I kiss her lightly.

"Your welcome darling." I say to her quietly.

"I feel like if we hadnt been kidnapped we would have never been together." Kj says. I give her a confused look.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Well I mean I bet we were gonna get together but time traveling helped it bloom." Kj says.

"That makes no sense but okay." I say. I grab Kj's hand. "I love you so much." I say. Kj's face starts to turn red.

"I love you so much more." She mutters.

"I wish I could just keep you with me forever." I say while hugging her by the waist and kissing her.

"Me too." Kj whispers.


I will make another Kj x Mac story soon okay!! Love you all and hope you enjoyed this story! And I can contiune it maybe if anyone wants.

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