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Mac's POV
Me and future Kj hang out for the whole day, she took me shopping and we got lunch with her friend. When lunch is over we get into the car, I close the passengers door and grab the seat belt. "I wonder how Kj is." I say as older Kj gets into the car. Older Kj grabs her seat belt.
"Yeah hope shes doing fine." Older Kj says.
I slump down into the chair and cross my arms, I also put my feet onto the dashboard. "So uh what are we gonna do when we get back to your place." I ask.
Older Kj shrugs her shoulders. "I dunno I mean younger me was upset when we left." Older Kj says. I freeze and look at older Kj.
"What do you mean?" I ask while still looking at her.
"What I mean is that she was upset that we, mainly you, left her alone." Older Kj says while taking a sip of soda.
"She's upset again?" I ask.
Older Kj nods her head. "I think she just feels lonely." Older Kj says while stopping at a stop sign.
"But Ive been with her for like 2 days!" I say.
"Maybe she was jelous that your with me instead of her." Older Kj says while taking another drink of her pop.
"But why would she be jelous?" I ask while looking back at the road and drumming my hands on my thighs. Cars whiz past the car we are in.
"I dunno." Older Kj says.
"Okay." I mutter, we ride the rest of the way in silence. Older Kj pulls up into her driveway and I put the hat and sunglasses back on. We go inside. I rush to the stairs.
"Kj! We're back!!" I yell up the stairs. No reply. "Cutie we are back!!" I yell again. I look at older Kj. "Shes not here." I say. Thunder starts to sound outside, I rush to the window as purple clouds start to roll up in the distance. I back away from the window. "They found us." I mutter. The thunder sounds again.

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