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~Tiffany's POV~

Rose drags Mac, Mac is like frozen in place like she was so scared or something. "What happened?" Erin asks.

"Mac and Kj had a friendly conversation." Rose says. I exchange looks with Erin. "Oh and Erin I suggest not going around Kj for a while." Rose says.

"Why?" Erin asks.

"Unimportant." Rose says. "Uh hey Larry send one of the guys down to pad up the basement and to clean up the blood and put bandiades on Kjs hands." Rose says.

"Why what happened?" Larry asks while standing up.

"She beat the shit outta the wall." Mac says, her arms crossed. I walk over to her and put my hand on her shoulder. Mac looks at me. "Tanya she is so mad at me." Mac says while hugging me, I hug her back and rubbing circles on her back

"Imma go talk to her okay?" I say while backing away.

"No, no is to go down there unless me or Rose or one of my men are with you." Larry says.

"Why cant I go talk to her?!" I ask.

"Because I said so! Now the three of you go to bed, now." Larry says sternly. I roll my eyes and bump my shoulder against Larry's. Taking the keys from his pocket. I rush upstairs to where the three of us are staying in the attic. I wait until the other 2 are fully asleep before I sneak downstairs. Larry is sleeping in his room and Rose had left for her house. Everyone was gone. I open the basement door and desend down into the darkness. I flip the light switch on and unlock the door that holds Kj away. Light streams out from her room. Kj is huddled on a matteress a blanket pulled over her. I walk over to her and shake her awake. She jumps.

"Who the fuck is here?" She asks in a sleepy voice while rubbing her eyes. "I swear if thats you Mac-" she finally fully wakes up. "Tiff... uhh what are you doing down here?" Kj asks. She's not mad at me thank god.

"Im sorry that your trapped down here, but since you were with The Overwatch and were acting weird we didnt wanna get killed or you get killed." I say.

"But I dont wanna be down here." Kj says

"I dont want you to be down here, same with Mac and Erin." I say. Kj shakes her head.

"No Erin likes Mac and so shes happy about this." Kj says.

"No..." I say, come to think of it Erin has always stared at Mac. She would always say how cute their relationship was but was it true? Erin wouldn't leave Mac's side until the party to find older me in 1999. "Well if Erin did, Mac is a loyal girlfriend, after you guys spoke she ignored everyone and she started to cry. She wouldnt do that to you." I say, and if she did I would fucking kill her.

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