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~Mac's POV~

"So how'd you girls escape??" Officer Dillow asks.

"Kj got the guy to trust her and when he wasnt expecting it we ran, Kj had stole his keys but since we are 12 she crashed it and we ran." I say. We had all gone through on what we were gonna say.

"And how'd you get your inguries??" He asks while a lady in the coner rights everything down. I look down at my busted knee.

"Well when we escaped the first time he had caught Kj and hurt her and then she got him to trust her and she sold us out and so he hurt the three of us and then Kj steals his keys apologizes for selling us out and then we escape." I say, which honestly the most part is true. The lady in the coner nods and write more down on hee notepad.

"Okay and uh what was the last thing you remember before getting kidnapped??" Officer Dillow asks curiously.

"Well it was hell day and I was delivering paper and well I had ran into Tiffany and Erin and told them that a fellow paper girl was in trouble, and it was Kj and we rescued her and we had decided to split into two groups since Tiffany and Erin each had a walkie talkie. And when we were biking to the place where we were gonna slipt up at and finish our routes Erin gets grabbed, we run after her but we also get grabbed by a bunch of people, but I never say either faces because it was dark and they were wearing halloween masks." I say. The lady writes more things down.

"Okay Mac thank you so much for your answers you may go out with the rest of your friends." He says. He walks over and helps me up and gives me, my crutches. I go out to the hall and see Erin and Tiff there. I look around confused.

"Where's Kj??" I ask.

"She has to have stitches, we should probally go and wait for her when she is done though." Tiffany says. I follow them to the waiting area and lean against the wall. Damn how I could go for a cig right now, but Im at the hospital with the police here. I cross my arms and close my eyes.

"Hey Mac would you like my seat??" Erin asks.

"Why the fuck would I want you seat??" I ask while opening my right eye and looking at her. She shrugs her shoulders.

"Because you have a fractured knee and it must be hard to walk and stand." Erin says.

"Okay fine thanks." I say while sitting down in her seat. She smiles at me. I put my head against the wall and wait for Kj to be done.

~30 mins later~

Kj finally walks out with stitches on her forehead. "She has a severie concousion so she'll have her interview in a week." The doctor says. Officer Dillow walks in.

"Hey so Ive notifed all of your parents so they will come and get you soon." Officer Dillow says. "Are they all okay doc??" He asks.

"They've got a few bumps and brusies but yeah." He says and Officer Dillow nods.

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