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~A/n, I might get jumped tomorrow at school so yeah👍 and I have no more friends at my school besides my stupid ass weird nerdy guy friends which is kinda sad😭 anyways enjoy the story!!<3~

~Kj's POV~

My alarm clock starts blaring in my ear on my night stand. I cover my ear with the pillow. "Ughh." I grumble as I turn off the alarm clock and stumble out of bed I walk to my bathroom and just pull my hair into a ponytale and brush my teeth. I go back to my room and into my closet. My barmistfa (I cant spell) dress is hanging there along with other random dresses and some shit like that. I grab a random shirt and pants from the dirty clothes pile. I smell them real quick to make sure they don't smell funny so I can rewear them today. I put on my clothes and run downstairs to grab the unfolded news papers from my front door. I sit down and roll them up and put them in the poutch like thing I also grab my hockey stick type thing and put it in there as well. I grab some toast before I run into my garage and open the garage door. I hop onto my bike and peddle off. Shit, I told Mac I'd do the paper routes with her. Goddamn it.

~Mac's POV~

"Oi shit!" My brother Dylan yells. "Get up you gotta go deliever papers but first you gotta make them look fancy for the fucking people who pay for papers." Dylan says before closing my door. I roll out of bed and open my bedroom door and walk to the bathroom, I comb through my hair and brush my teeth. I leave the bathroom and walk into the living room. I look through the laundry basket that is sitting on the chair for a shirt and pants. I finally find a pair and rush to my room and change. I then rush to my door and grab the unfolded papers and start folding them. My step mom is alseep on the couch. When I am done I put them in the pouch thing and rush back to my room to grab Dylans walkman and my headphones. I put on a sweater and slip the walkman under the sweatshirt. I walk over to my stepmom and fish through her pockets for any cigerets. I finally find a pack.

"What are you doing! Dont wake her when you wake her shes a bear!" Dyaln says.

"Jeez sorry dick." I say while slinging the poutch thing over my shoulders and rushing out the front doors and grabbing my bike from the side of the house. I start to peddle off to start my deleivery routes and to meet up with Kj.

~Kj's POV~

"Get the fuck off me!" I growl to one of the guys in masks who have shoved me against the fence near the Baseball field.

"Now why would we do that little lady?" One of them asks. I push the guy away.

"I have to do my fucking job, and arent you too old to be wearing Halloween costumes." I say.

"You brother payed us a generous amount to piss you off and get you fired from this job so thats what we are going to do." One of them says. I shove one of them off me and run to my bike. I pick it up and start to peddle away fast.

"Where do you think your going?!" One of then yells. And they start to run after me.

"Shit shit shit." I mutter to myself. They start to catch up to me which is suprising. I look over down the street and see Mac watching. She starts to peddle after me. I take twists and turns until I reach a tunnel. "Well just my fucking luck." I mutter. I ride inside to the tunnel. All of a studden my arm gets yanked back and I fall to the ground. One of the guys is croutching infront of me. I look to see Mac peddling away on her bike.

~Mac's POV~

I need someone to help me get Kj away from those stupid ass guys. I start to ride down each street until I see Tanya and another girl. I skid up infront of them. "Tanya I need your help a paper girl is in trouble." I say. I look over at the other girl. It was the person Kj knocked over in the hallway yesterday. "C'mon I know where she is." I say. I take them to the tunnel where Kj is.

"Is it safe?" The new girl asks.

"No idea." I say, we start to creep into the tunnel I reach into my paper poutch thing and pull out fireworks and a holder. I grab my ligher from my pocket too. I put a firework into the holder and light it. "Eat shit dirt bags!" I yell. Kj ducks as fireworks shoot down the tunnel. Kj picks up her bike and runs out with us as the guys are screaming.

"Holy shit!" The new girl screams. We ride our bikes until we are a block away.

"Why did you have fireworks in there?" Tanya asks.

"I dunno." I say.

"Um Im sorry but your Mac right? The first paper girl who isnt really a girl." The new girl says. "Im Erin by the way." I chuckle and look over at Kj.

"Looks like I have a fan." I say. Erins face goes pink.

"I think we should do our paper routes together so we dont get attacked like Kj did." Tanya says. "Me and Erin each have a walkie talkie so we can split up into two teams." She says again.

"Sorry but Im not going to be apart of your girlscouts or breakfast club." I say while backing away. Kj grabs my arm.

"Please it'd be easier." She says not looking at me.

"Fine." I grumble trying to catch her eye.

"Alright then I will go with Kj." Tanya says putting her arm around Kj. I wanna light Tanya on fire. Just jokingggg! But the thought still lingers.

"Then I guess I'll go with new girl." I say. Her eyes widen.

"Are you sure?" She asks.

"Dont worry I dont bite." I sneer.

"Alrighty then, Erin can you change to chanel six please?" Tanya says while looking down at her walkie talkie. New girl nods and starts to change chanels. "We will split off into two groups and do our routes at 8th street okay?" Tanya says.

"Yes captin." I say. I see Kj roll her eyes and I smile.

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