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~Kj's POV~
I hold Mac hand in the back of the ambulance, my head feels so fucking heavy like I'm about to pass out, I squeeze Mac's hand to keep myself awake. Shes in pain I can tell. The trip is bumpy and I fall over at one point, the nurse in the back had to lay me down. Once we reach the hospital we get rushed inside. Erin is brought to the examination room, Tiffany was brought in for questions, and me and Mac are laying on beds waiting to get exiamined. I keep going in and out of sleep. "Hey, are you okay??" Mac asks. I open my eyes and nod.

"Yeah I just took a really hard blow to the head is all." I mutter while laying my head on the pillow. I can feel Mac watching me.

"Dude are you sure your okay? Because you look like your about to pass out." Mac says. I nod my head, a pain shoots through my head. I wince at the pain. "Hey are you okay??" Mac asks.

"Mhm just a little headache." I say. "I'll be fine though donr worry about me." I say. Erin walks out of the examination room, a bandage on her head.

"Hey how are you??" Mac asks. "What'd the doc say??" Mac asks again.

"He said that I have a minor concussion and will have brusing for a while." Erin says. The doctor walks out and helps Mac up.

"C'mon lean on me." He says. Mac limps to the examination room, I think I hit my head to hard with the brick because everything is spinning and the lights are hurting my eyes and my head is pounding against my skull. I close my eyes and lean back. I start to drift off to sleep, 20-25 mins later Mac shakes me awake. I look at her.

"Hey cutie." She whispers.

"What'd he say about you??" I ask. Mac looks down.

"I have a fractured knee, I have to wear a knee brace and have crutches for a while and then I should be good." Mac says.

"Thats good sweetheart." I say while putting my hand on my head.

"You have to go in there now." Mac says, I sit up. Everything is spinning. I trying to focus my vision. I stumble up, I walk to the examination room and the doctor guides me to a thing to lay on. I lay down and he puts a light up to my head. He looks at it and wipes away the blood from my eye and under it. He puts a flash light to my eye and move it away. The doctor grabs his stephiscope and puts it against my chest.

"Okay so your eyes are dialating so that meaning that you have a consussion and you will need stitches on your forhead and there will be brusing." He says. "Have you been feeling dizzy and or tired lately??" He asks.

"Yeah." I mutter.

"Okay okay." He says. "I'll tell Sherry to have my things to do stiches ready and we will get those stitches done right away!" The docter says while turning of the light.

"Okay." I say. He walks me back to the area I was just in, Tiffany is waiting for me.

"Hey! Mac and Erin are being interveiwed and Mac told me to come and wait for you!" Tiffany says while clapping her hands together.

"I need to get stitches so I'll have to stay here for longer." I say, Tiffany nods.

"Okay then I'll wait here and keep you company!!" Tiff says, I smile.

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