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Kj's POV
I flop down on the bed and groan, Mac looks over at me. "Whats wrong?" She ask, I shake my head and look at her.
"Oh nothing, it just feels good to relax for once and not have to worry about running for my life." I say, Mac laughs and walks over to me. I can feel her lay down next to me.
"You know~" She says. I look over at her. "We could do something to talk your mind off things." I raise a eyebrow at her.
"What do you mean?" I ask her. She smiles, she get off the bed and stands in front of me. She slowly gets on top of me so she is sitting on my lap, my breath hitches. "What are you doing?" I ask her my face turning bright red, she looks at me.
"Oh nothing." She says, and with that she starts kissing me. The kiss this time is rough and messy, Mac lightly bites the bottom of my lip, I smile at that. She pulls away, we look at each other both staring into each others eyes. 'Ive figured out who I am' I think to myself. Mac starts to kiss my neck, she kisses every inch of it before she starts to bite and suck on my neck, I groan. But she continues, after about five minutes she stops and looks at me, she smirks. I tilt my head.
"What?" I ask.
"Go look in the mirror." She says, I walk over to the bathroom and look in the mirror, hickeys are covering my neck. My face turns bright red. I look back at the mirror.
"Mac!!" I yell, I can hear her laughing in the other room, I walk out there and look at her. "What'd you do?!" I ask her. She smiles.
"I have no idea what your talking about." She says while smirking. I groan.
"Im going to take a shower." I say. Mac stands up. "What?" I ask her.
"Oh I dunno." She says with a sly smirk on her face.
"You stay here." I say, I head into the bathroom and turn on the shower. I take off my clothes and step in. The hot water feels nice, I wash my hair and wrap a towel around me. I walk out into the bedroom. Mac is sitting there staring at me. I raise a eyebrow at her. "What?" I ask.
"You sexy." She says, I feel my face heat up.
"I-" I mange out before she gets off the bed and kisses me. "I-I need to change." I say while grabbing some new clothes that we just bought, I start to head to the bathroom but Mac grabs my wrist.
"You can change out here." She says. I shake my head.
"No, I feel like you'd watch me and then try and pull something." I say. She puts her hand to her heart but she lets me change in the bathroom. 'God damn it Im inlove with that son of a bitch' I think to myself.

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