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~A/N: ayo Im back bitchesssss!!!! Soo I might do a new story line but thiss time it is going to be a day before the time travel and then during and then the end<3 and I am too lazy to make another story! But this will contriubte to the story that I stopped then I will contiune on!! I ams going to just change some things, and I forgot what happened on most things so please dont be mad!!~

~Kj's POV~

I love Halloween, it's the best time of the year. I love going Trick or Treating with my friends. But I hate the older fucking kids who sometimes desicde to take our candy and when we yell at them they say that we are too old, like who the fuck says that shit! But sadly Trick or Treating is after school which is 8 hours away. My mom is driving me to school because she has to go into her work today for a meeting. "Goodbye mom." I say while opening the car door.

"Karina darling please do be careful tonight at Trick or Treating." My mom says.

"What do you mean? Arent you goimg to be home? You said you help me get ready!" I say.

"Im sorry but me and your father have a bissunis trip to go to" (a/n Im dyslexic sorry for errors btw!) My mom says.

"Unbelievable, unfucking believable!" I say while getting out of the car.

"Hey watch your tounge young lady or I'll put soap in your mouth!" My mom says before I slam the door shut and walk to my school, bag slung over my shoulder. My school is so fucking horrible, we have different social groups depending on how much money you have. There is the kids who are middle-low class which stay in their own groups and like to cause trouble for other kids, then there is the middle class with the kids who like to be social and try and interact with everyone, then the middle-high class with the kids who think they are too good for everyone else, and then the high class, the class I am in, I try to branch out and make new friends but my friends, the middle-high class and the high class, won't let me. It's like a warfare. And then I have the assholes who write 'Jewish bitch' on my locker with sharpie. And the main one who writes it is Mackenize Coyle, I dont understand why she does it, I mean I havent spoken to her since the 4th grade when social statius didnt matter. Maybe she misses being friends! I mean I kind of do. I must have zoned off because next thing I know a girl is on the ground and her stuff is everywhere.

"Oh shit I am so sorry!" I say while helping the girl pick up her stuff and handing it to her.

"Oh its fine." She says.

"Im Kj by the way!" I say.

"Erin." She says. I smile at her. She must be new, I have never seen her before. Maybe I can be friends with her.

"Kj get up." Lana says while grabbing my arm and pulling me up to my feet. I give her a puzzled look.

"What was that for? I was helping her  because I acidentally ran into her." I say while shaking her hand off my arm.

"You shouldnt lower yourself to other people!" Oliva, Lana's twin, says.

"I was just helping her!" I say.

"Yeah and you're the most popular girl in the school and the most loved so you cant been seen with people like her." Lana says.

"I wont be popualr when we are in highschool!" I say. "And I wont be the most loved in highschool!" I say. I really hope I wont because if I still am holy shit I will cry my eyes out and do some shit to make everyone hate me.

"What do you mean silly! Of course you will!" Oliva says while dragging me away from the girl named Erin, I give her a awkward smile and wave goodbye.

"We will all have different interests and we will change and there will be people older us and who will be the most popular." I say.

"Ugh why are we even talking about this?" Lana asks.

"Are we still going Trick or Treating tonight?" I ask glad to change the subject.

"No, thats for little kids and losers, Kj, we all know that." Oliva says.

"Oh yeah.... Right." I say. "I was just joking by the way." I say again.

"Okay good." Lana says.

"Uhh Ive got to go to the restroom real quick." I say while rushing towards the girls bathroom before they can say anything. I slam the door shut and lock it. There is 3 stalls in the girls bathrooms and two sinks. I slump against the wall. "Fuckkk." I groan while dragging my hands down my face.

"Rough day?" Someone asks.

"Uhhh yeah." I say, I didnt see anyones feet when I walked in. Who is in here.

"Damn the day has just started but same." The person says. I reconize that voice though. But who the fuck is it?

"Yeah." I say. "My friends suck and we were supposed to go Trick or Treating but then they backed out saying we are too old for it and some stupid ass shit." I say.

"I meannn." I hear a stall door unlock. "I could go with you." My eyes widen. The person leaning against the bathroom stall with a cig between her lip is Mackenzie Coyle, the one person who fucking hates me.

~Mac's POV~

People are prissy pussies, like I swear I cant even with some people. Mainly the popular kids. Lola, Olivia, Jonas, Lily, Marus, Emma, Terry, Jude and Karina or known as Kj. I swear they all act better than everyone else and act like the rest of us have dieases. Like what the fuck. Mrs. Johnson yelled at me for havung a cig this morning behind the school which I fucking hate. Now I used to be friends with Kj and we had so much fun together but then we got older and then started to drift apart. It must have been one of our faults that we drifted apart. I used to write 'Jewish Bitch' on her locker a lot. I still do sometimes for shits and giggles. I didnt realize how nicer Kj was until she bumped into a new girl and helped her like not fake and then waved goodbye to her. Its the talk of the school and the girl has become semipopular because of it. I go to the bathroom to smoke since class is about to start and no one will be there. I hear the door open and then close. I freeze and put my feet on either side of the toilet seat and prop myself against the wall.

"Fuckkk." I hear someone groan.

"Rough day?" I ask. SHIT I just gave myself away! Shitttt!!

"Uhhh yeah." A girl says.

"Damn, the day just started but same." I say, I put the cig in my mouth and inhale.

"Yeah." The girl says. "My friends suck and we were supposed to go Trick or Treating but then they backed out saying we are too old for it and some stupid ass shit." The girl says again. I hit my head against the stall door.

"I meannnn." I say while getting down and unlocking the stall door to see who I was talking to. I lean against the stall. "I could go with you." I look up. My eyes widen and I freeze up. Kj Brandman is sitting there on the floor looking like she might cry and is shocked to see me. I smirk a bit. This day just got a bit better. And damn Kj has gotten wayy prettier and hotter.


I hope you enjoyed!!!! <<<<333

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