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Kj's POV
Future me had just up a inflatable matress on the floor in her room, I went back downstairs to grab something to eat before I head to bed, I skip down the stairs but stop, Mac is sitting there. "Hey." She mutters not looking at me.
"What are you doing down here?" I ask she.
"I was getting something to eat." She says while holding up a waffle that was just toasted.
"Same." I say while going over to the cubords.
"I heard what you said." Mac says, I look back at her.
"Oh." I mutter, I contiue to go through older me's cuboards, I finally find a jar of pickles in the frigde. I grab a fork and go to the island and sit at it. I open the jar and grab a pickle.
"Are you that mad at me that you can't even look at me Kj?!" Mac asks angrliy.
"No now leave me alone Mac." I say. Mac grabs my chin and makes my look at her.
"Look Im sorry that I dont wanna get better! Kj I have a shitty ass life and you know it! When I die my brother has a happier life! He has a family while Im 6ft in the ground!" Mac says with tears in her eyes.
"Mac I....." I began.
"Save it, I knew being with you was a mistake." Mac says while getting up, I get up to and walk up to her. "Kj move out of my way now." She growls. I grab the hem of her shirt and kiss her. Mac freezes in place. I break the kiss and look her in the eyes.
"Im sorry Mac I just dont want you to die! I love you! And I dont even care that you wrote 'Jewish bitch' on my locker last year anymore!" I say. Mac rolls her eyes.
"I feel like your still gonna hang that over my head though." Mac says skeptically. We both laugh.
Older Kj's POV
I stand at the top of the stairs and listen to younger me and Mac talk, I get a call on my phone. "What the fuck do you want?" I mutter into the phone.
"Are they at your house?" The Grandfather asks.
"Yeah their here." I mutter.
"Exllent." He says.
"Do you know what year the other two landed in?" I ask quietly.
"They landed in the year 1889." He says again. I nod my head.
"Okay." I whisper. I hang up the phone, the girls start to head back upstairs and I rush to my room.

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