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A/n for some reason I have the fucking tiktok sound stuck in my head that goes "ohhh who is sheeeeee????" And I dunno why.

~Kj's POV~

I groan and lay down onto my bed. Everyone is a fucking bitch and their too self centered to worry about anyone else but themselves, my old friends made my disapperence about themselves, my parents used my disapperence as a way to make more money. And they dont even care that Im back, or even alive, none of them came to look for me which is every worse. I look around my room. Nothing has changed, but the dress in my closet is gone. The others are lucky that their parents didnt use them for money, well I mean they couldve but the way Erin and Tiff talk about their parents they wouldnt, and Mac's parents actually looked for them. "Kj!" I hear my dad yell while walking up the stairs. I sit up and watch as he opens the door.

"Why havent you given us a explination on how and why you got kidnapped." My dad says. I look past him out the door.

"Right after you tell me why you didnt come look for me." I say.

"Oh go ahead be a drama queen and make everything about yourself!! I bet you just ran away so you wouldnt have that barmistfa and everything could be about you." My dad says. I roll my eyes.

"You just used my disaperence to get more money and to get people to realect you for mayor and so people could like you and show pitty for you." I say.

"Shut the fuck up Karina." My dad says.

"I'll do that when you stop being a dick." I mutter.

"What did you say?!" He asks angrily. I shrug.

"Nothing dad." I say.

"You hanging out with that Coyle girl mustve caused you to act like a fuckin brat." My dad says.

"I wasnt hanging out with her!! I was kidnapped and she was also kidnapped!!! And the only reason why was cause we deliver papers together!!" I say angrily. My dad is one of those classic cis hetero white homophobic man that thinks he is loved but everyone is blinded by his bribes and money.

"Go to bed Karina Jane Brandman now." My dad growls while slamming my door shut.

"Blah blah bed Karina Jane blah blah." I say while mocking him. I laugh at myself and lay back down, I changed into pj's and my puppy is on my bed. I get under the covers and turn off the lamp on my bedside table.

~A/n Kj's real name is Karina I googled it and I feel like her family would call her Karina so yeah~

~In the morning~

My brother opens my door. "Wake up Karina." He says. I put my arm on my eyes.

"Go away Im sleeping." I say.

"Karina get up we have school." He says. I roll over.

"But I just got homeee." I groan.

"Dad said to wake you so get dressed." He says, he leaves the room and I roll out of bed. I go to my closet and grab a white turtle neck and a black baggy t-shirt and a pair of black jeans. I made sure they didnt have any stains on them before I put it all on. I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth and put my hair in a pony tale. I switch off the light and walk down the stairs. My parents and brother were down there. My dad was reading the news paper and was drinking coffee. Mom was eating a bagle. (A/n Imma say her brothers name is James) and James in eating toast. I grab a slice of toast. I put a little bit of butter on it and take a bite.

"Imma head to school." I say while going over and grabbing my shoes. I also grab my bag.

"Honey you have no bike." My mok says.

"What do you mean?? I do have a bike." I say.

"Karina when you got kidnapped your bikes were hidden some where so you will have to walk." My dad says. I groan and grab the door handle to the door.

"Okay." I say and I open the door. I walk out and walk to school, leaves had already began to fall off of trees. I can see my breath in the air, its winter season. The cold is every where, I shoulve grabbed a coat or something.

"Hey Kj!" I hear someone yell. I turn around and see Mac.

"Hi sweetheart!" I say while pulling her in for a hug and then a short and sweet little kiss. She smiles and kisses me again.

"So hows home life??" She asks while pulling away.

"Eh its going fine." I say.

"Yeah, oh and by the way at school ignore me." Mac says, I give her a puzzled look.

"What why??" I ask.

"Because Kj I already get made fun of and get called fag I dont want that for you cutie." Mac says while holding my hand. "I just dont want you to get bullied and if someone hurts you I'll kill em." Mac says. I smile.

"I love you." I say.

"I love you too cutie." Mac says while kissing my cheek.

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