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~A/N do you guys like the new set up thing? Like before when they get taken to the future??~

~Kj's POV~

"Soooo whats the answer?" Mac asks. And as if I wake up fron a trance I shake my head.

"Huh?" I mutter. "Oh sorry um yeah sure, we can go together!" I say, Mac smiles.

"Great its a date." She says.

"It is not a date, we are just two people who are accuantences and we are going to hangout and no one will know that we are gonna be hanging out." I say. Mac rolls her eyes.

"Whatever princess." She says.

"Dont call me that." I say.

"Oh hey what was going on earlier when you came in here upset?" Mac asks.

"Lola and Oliva, I cannot stand them! Like why can't I make new friends?! Like I bumped into this girl named Erin and she seems super nice and stuff but those two dragged me away! And then they told me that we arent going Trick or Treating anyone because it is stupid or some bullshit." I say.

"Damn, why the fuck are you friends with them?" Mac asks.

"My parents, they pay them off to be my friends and to keep me away from the 'lower class'" I say while making air quotes at the end.

"Thats stupid as fuck." Mac says.

"Yeah, your luckly, you dont have to be expected to be friends with people who are 'rich' likeyou are and you dont have to worry about people using you." I say.

"The sad thing is people do use me, just not for money." Mac says.

"Well hey at least we are in the same boat." I say, Mac chuckles.

"Yeah." Mac says. "Hey so what are we gonna dress up as?" Mac asks.

"Hmmm, we should wear like masks or something!" I say.

"I dont have any money princess." Mac says.

"How about ghosts? Like the sheet ghosts." I suggest. "I think we have like spare plain white sheets lying around." I say.

"That could work." Mac says while walking over to the door. "Well I will pick you up at 7pm tonight princess and we will go." Mac says.

"Stop that!" I say while getting up and walking over to the door, Mac opens it.

"Stop what?" Mac asks.

"Fuck off," I say while leaving. "See you tonight." I call as I walk away.

"Its a date!" Mac calls back. I flip her off. I can feel her smile.

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