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~A/n I am going to change up the part where Kj and Mac say they like each other a bit~

~Kj's POV~

I open my front door after somebody had been pounding on it for the past 20 minutes. When I open the door I see Mac standing there. "Well hello cutie." Mac says.

"What is it 7 already?" I ask while looking over at my clock.

"Nope it 6:30! But I thought we could make our costumes together." Mac says while holding up white sheets. I open the door wider so she can come in.

"My parents arent home so yeah." I say.

"Ooooo~ what are you saying Kjjjj we can makeout??" Mac says.

"Stop or Im kicking you out." I say.

"Okay Im done." Mac says, she sets the white sheets down onto the dining room table. "Nice house by the way." Mac says.

"Yep." I say, Mac pulls out a seat for me then sits down next to me. The sissors and my white sheets are already on the table.

"Soooo, are you going to do any paper rounds tomorrow?" Mac asks.

"Yep sadly hell day is my day." I say.

"Ahh same here!" Mac says. "Maybe we can do our routes together I mean tomorrow is hellday after all." Mac says.

"Yeah y'know I dont wanns get attacked by ugly ass teenage boys." I say. Mac laughs.

"Yeah." I say, I hand her the siscors after Im done cutting my sheets. "Y'know there is a new girl." I say.

"Yeah I heard." Mac says. "I saw you run into her this morning." Mac says again.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yep!" Mac says.

~Mac's POV~

Holy shit I still love Kj. I used to have the biggest crush on her back in 4th grade and I told her and then she started to avoide me. Im guessing she forgot about what happened. I mean like her smile and laugh are everything. "Ah shit!" I say. Blood starting to run down my finger and hand.

"Oh holy shit!" Kj says, she pushes away the white sheets and runs into the kitchen then comes back with a few paper towels. She cleans up the blood that fell onto the table then put it onto my hand. She pulls the paper towel away to inspect it. "Damn thats a big and deep cut." Kj says.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yep." Kj says.

I sigh. "That means you have to be my sexy nurse." I say.

"I will bitch slap you." Kj says. I smile at her.

"Love you too cutie." I say.

"Damn I could leave you right here to bleed out and die." Kj says.

"But you wouldnt because you love me too much!" I say.

"Do I though? I mean we havent hanged out since 4th grade, you just invited yourself over, you keep calling me pet names." Kj says.

"Oh c'mon I know you love it." I say while smiling. Kj just groans and walks into the kitchen again. I hear running water and cubboards opening and closing. Kj walks back in with a tiny bowl of water, more paper towels and a FirstAid kit. She takes off the paper towel on my hand. "Ohh fuck." I say while wincing. I really got myself. My hand has a huge cut running down from the middle of my pointer finger to my palm.

"Its not that bad." Kj says.

"Not that bad?!" I ask. "I am going to die!!" I yell.

"You're being over dramatic Mac, you will be fine so calm the fuck down." Kj says. She puts water on the new paper towel and dabs in onto the wound.

"So how am I doc? Am I going to die?" Mac says.

"Ha ha love your humor." Kj says.

"Really!?" I ask.

"No I was being sarcastic." Kj says.

"Oh." I say.

"Im just kidding Mac." Kj says. I look at her. She is so beautiful and kind and caring and I fucking love her and I could kiss her right now but she would hate me. Or would she? Y'know I could do one of those moves that girls do all the time with their crushes, start a game of truth or dare and then ask if they have a crush and who it is. "Hey remember when we were friends in 4th grade and you said that you liked me?" Kj says, shit, she did remember.

"Yeah, ha ha." I say laughing a little.

"Yeah I didnt know how to react so I avoided you." Kj says. "Im sorry, I'm guessing you were just joking because like Im not gay and your not gay so it was probally a dare." Kj says. "Sorry I am rambling."

"Mhm, yeah it was a dare." I say. "Hey do you still wanna go Trick or Treating together still?" I ask.

"Huh? Yeah why?" Kj asks.

"Oh uh no reason!" I say.

"Okay! Well you are all wrapped up!" Kj says. I look down at my hand, mutilpul bandaids cover it.

"Thanks." I say, Kj looks at the clock.

"Its 6:50 we should probally get ready." Kj says.

"Yeah." I say.

"Okay I am going to go change!" Kj says. "Do you have anything you wanna wear under the sheets?" Kj asks.

"Huh? No I am going to wear this." I say.

"Okay then!" Kj says while bouncing up her stairs. I sigh, I put my elbows onto the table and put my head in my hands.

"I cant stop fucking loving her and I hate it, she's like a fucking drug thats so adictive." I say to myself. "I swear fuck you Kj, I fucking hate you for making me fall in fucking love with you." I say to myself again.

~Kj's POV~

I had heard like pounding kind of downstairs so I sit at the top of the staircase. "I cant stop fucking loving her and I hate it, she's like a fucking drug thats so adictive." I hear Mac say. "I swear fuck you Kj, I fucking hate you for making me fall in fucking love with you." Mac says again. I freeze. Mac still loves me?

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