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~Mac's POV~

"You guys are fucking bitches." I whisper shout to Tiffany and Erin. They giggle and I grab Kj's hand and stick my tounge out at them. I turn back and give Kj a kiss on the cheek. "How long do you think we've been gone for??" I ask loudly enough for Tiff and Erin to hear.

"I dunno maybe like a hour or too, I dont know how time travel works but it mustve not taken so long but we were gone for a month or two I reallh dont know to be honest." Erin says as we walk.

"Yeah, but our parents could be looking for us." Tiff says from behind us.

"Yeah that could be right actually." Kj says. We get out of the woods, we walk down the side walk but everything is weirdly quiet, Kj stops next to me.

"Something doesnt feel right." She mutters. I look around. There is a couple of signs on a wall. We walk closer. All four of our faces are on different signs.

They all say. "Kj Brandman, height 5'3, hair color brown, eye color brown." And, "Erin Tieng, height 5'2, hair color black, eyes green." The other one says. And the other two describe me and Tiffany. My eyes go wide and I look at the other three.

"How long have we been gone for??" Tiffany asks.

"I-I dunno, I dont even know what day it is.." Erin says. She looks around, a news paper grabber thingy is there, she rushes over there and presses her face against the glass. She looks back up. "Its December 4th 1988." She says. As she says that a cold wind passes by us.

"We need to go to our homes!! So our parents will know that we are okay." Tiffany says.

"We should go to the police and tell them that we got kidnapped by someone called 'Grandfather' and he kept us captive and we escaped once but he caught us and he kept us captive and then we finally got away." Kj says, we all look over at her. "What?" She asks.

"Thats actually as good idea." I say, Erin and Tiff nod in agreement. "And no mentioning time travel." I say. They nod and we head down to the police station. Kj stops us all a block away.

"We have to look beaten up or a little bit hurt." Kj says.

"Yeah or they would think we just ran away." Tiff says. Erin picks up a brick from the ground.

"Why the hell was that just laying there??" I ask.

"No fucking clue." She says, she shakes her head. "This is gonna hurt." She mutters.

~TW: Bashing heads, pain, blood~

She hits the brick against her head. "OW oh my fucking god!" She shouts while holding her hand to her head. It starts to bleed.

"Holy fuck." I mutter. I grab the brick. I bang it against my knee until I fall over.

"Mac! Jesus fuck!!" Kj yells. I hand the brick to her. Her face fills with regret. She bashes the brick against her head, I can tell she did it a little too hard because blood starts dripping down the side of her face and gets into her eye.

"Mac, Kj, Erin punch me as hard as you can in the face." Tiff says while not taking the brick from Kj, Kj lookd at her but punches her hard, blood starts to gush from her nose. Erin punches her too. "I'll pass Tanya." I say still on the ground. Kj and Tiff help me up and I put my arms around them as they help me walk all the way to the police station. "Someone help us please!" Tiffany says with tears in her eyes. The officers scramble up for their desks.

"Holy shit its the missing girls!" A guy says. "Someone grab the med kit." He shouts to someone else. "Come with me girls, I'll get you a hot coco and some snacks." He says while leading us to a room. Kj and Tiff guide me to a chair. A lady come back with a med kit, she starts with Tiff.

"Your parents will be so happy that your alive." She says. "We thought you four were dead!" She says again while wiping the blood from Tiffanys nose, Tiff has a bloody nose and a black eye. "Yours isnt to bad." She says to Tiff. "But you three will need to go to the hospital." She says to me, Kj, and Erin.

The guy comes back with four hot cocos and animal crackers. "This is a mirical!" He says. "Four missing girls show up alive!! We called off the search a few weeks ago but man you three should be lucky to have parents like that." He says again while shaking his head.

"Three??" Erin asks. Which one of out parents didnt look for us??" Erin asks looking at us.

"The Brandmans, they sent their son to look for like a day and then they stopped." He says, Kj's eyes widen and she puts her head low, the officer looks over at her. "Holy shit are you okay?? Or head has a huge gash in it." He says while grabbing her face. "Im suprised your still awake most people with that would be passed out by now." He says. "Get the ambulance here these girls need medical attention!" The officer says, the lady nods and runs out. Us four exchange glances.

"Im tired.." Kj mutters. I look over at her and grab her hand.

"You'll be okay." I say to her while giving her a smile, she smiles back, her smile is everything.

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