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Macs POV
I kick a pebble while I contuine to walk down the sidewalk, people walk past me and some go into stores. I grab the pack of cigs from my pocket and light one, all of a sudden I bump into someone. "Watch where your going bitch." I mutter.
"Smoking is bad for your health whore." I hear a female voice say, I look up to see 16 year old Kj standing there, her curly brown hair laid against her shoulders and chest. She was wearing a sweatshirt and a pair of ripped jeans.
"I-" I began but didn't know what to say.
"You remind me of someone I once knew." Older Kj says. I shrug my shoulders.
"Uh well I mean I get mistaken for many different people." I say, old Kj nods.
"Anyways you shouldn't smoke and you should be much nicer to people." She says while taking the cig from my hand and throwing it on the ground. I look at her.
"God you sound just like Kj." I say while rolling my eyes. I freeze realizing what I just said.
"I sound like myself?" She asks eyebrows raised. I back up a bit.
"Im talking about my girlfriend Kj, she uh, she isnt from here." I say, older Kj eyes me and nods.
"Uh huh." She mutters suspiously. I back up a bit more.
"You kind of remind me of my friend Mac, she died reccently." Older Kj says. I freeze.
"R-really?" I ask while putting my right hand on the back of my neck. Older Kj nods.
"Yeah really, you have the same attitude and everything." She says, I nod my head.
"Thats, thats- uh- neat." I say. Older Kj smiles.
"Anyways Ive gotta go." She says, "see you later Mac." She says while punching my shoulder. I dont dare to move, I stay frozen in place.

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