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A/n I cant belive I have made 31 parts to this story......

~TW Homophobic slurs, bullying~

~Mac's POV~

Kj is quiet for the rest of our walk to school, is she upset with me?? Is she sad that I told her to ignore me. When we get to school Kj walks off to a group of girls Im guessing are her friends. I keep my bag slung over my shoulder as I make my way to my locker. Eyes burn in the back of my head. I approach my locker and start to put in the comboation when someone's fist hits the locker next to mine, I look up pissed. "So lesbo did you run away with a bunch of girls and have a orgie?? Or when you got kidnapped did you enjoy it??" One of my bullies ask, I open my locker and throw my bag in there.

"Hey I know you suck your friends cocks when your alone so why are you being so rude to me?" I say adjusting my crutches.

"Your just a faggot whose mommy isnt around and you have to live in a rundown shithole." He says. I glare at him.

"Oh shut the fuck up, I manged to get away from a man who busted my fucking knee and Im still alive." I say. He rolls his eyes.

"Yeah and I heard the Brandman girl was with you?? Was she hot like she always is??" He asks.

"Leave Kj the fuck alone." I say to him. He laughs.

"What are you into her or some shit??" He asks.

"So the fuck if I am or not?? Why do you wanna know?" I ask. Kj walks iny the school with a bunch of her friends.

"Hey Kj!!!! Mac Coyle has the hots for you!!!" He shouts while pointing at me. Everyone turns to stare. Kj walks over.

"Okay thats fine." She says while shrugging her shoulders.

"Dont you think that's weird??" He asks. "A faggot like Mac liking you." He says again.  Kj grabs my arm and kisses me right on the lips. She pulls away.

"I mean hey, shes a fucking good ass kisser I can tell you that." Kj says. Everyone stares at us in dispilef. Its like they saw a pig fucking fly across the sky. Kj kisses me again. "By darling I have to go to class." She says while walking away. I smile. Everyone watches as she leaves and then turns back to me.

"Also dude Kj is a amazing kisser like holy shit if I was you, I would be jelous of me." I say. He crosses his arms and walks away.

KJ x Mac!! Paper Girls!Where stories live. Discover now