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~Kj's POV~

"Ah fuck!" I shout as I get thrown awake. I look around. The room is pitch black and the door is wide open. Light pours into the room a figure looms over me. I can hear voices outside of the room. My hands are tied behind my back. Where thr fuck am I? The figure turns around to leave. "Wait!!" I shout. The figure stops. "Who are you and were is Mac? Is she okay? Is she in any danger and I swear to god if you hurt her I will tear your body apart limb by limb and I will make you eat your own ears and then I will fucking kill you!" I scream. The figure jerks away.

"Whats all this noise?!" A males voice asks while going over to the door. He peers into the room. "Ahh she's awake." The man says.

"Where the fuck is Mac!!?!!" I scream trying to break free from the ropes.

"Its funny to see you shout for her and still love her even though she is the reason why you're here." The male by the door says leaning on it. My eyes widen.

"No... your fucking lying arent you?! Your trying to make me turn on her! Your trying yo tear us apart!!!" I shout. The male leans on the door frame.

"Im not lying Kj, all of your friends are the reason why your here." The man says. "Erin, Tiffany, and Mac. Mac's the one who brought you to us." He says. I shake my head.

"Your a fuckung liar!!!" I shout. "Now let me go!!" I scream.

"Kj thats enough." A familar voice says. I freeze.

"Mac?" I ask. The lights turn on and Mac enters the room. She walks over to me and puts her index finger under my chin.

"Calm down Kj." She says.

"Why am I here? I dont wanna be here Mac." I say through sobs. "He is lying to me! And what you said to me before I passed out confused me! Mac whats going on?!" I say.

"He isnt lying Kj." Mac says. I at the door and see Larry standing there. I narrow my eyes.

"No matter how many times he dies I still have to see him." I say angrliy.

"What do you mean?" Larry asks.

"I have watched you get murdered twice." I say. "And I have never seen so much death." I say.

"Kj stop." Mac says.

"Tell me where I am Mac. Right now, and tell me why I am here." I demand. Mac shakes her head.

"You will find out later." Mac says, she stands up and starts to leave.

"NO, NO!" I scream, tears running down my cheeks. My face feels damp. "PLEASE DONT FUCKING LEAVE ME ALONE MAC! MAC NOT AGAIN PLEASE!!" I scream as the lights shut off. Mac doesnt even turn around to look at me. "I FUCKING HATE YOU." I scream at her. The door slams shut.

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