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~Kj's POV~

My head hits the wall as I sit up. The door was now closed and Tiffany is gone. What the hell is wrong with all of us?? Our friend group is turning to shit! Maybe I should just go to the Overwatch, but what about Mac?? I can't leave her. I love her to much to leave her. And Erin would try to take her, would she?? Goddamn it! Goddamn it!! It's all those guys fault! The ones who stole Tiffany's walkie talki! If that didnt happen none of this would have had happened. But me and Mac might not have start to date and I like us dating. Footsteps sound down the stairs. My head snaps up as the lock turns. Rose and Larry are standing there. Erin, Mac and Tiff behind them. My leg bounces. "What do you fucking want?" I ask.

"Come with us." Rose says. I roll my eyes and stand up. Larry and Rose are teenagers, like 16 years old. All of the other people here are in their 20's and older. I follow them upstairs into a kitchen. I sit down onto a chair and watch as Mac, Erin, and Tiff sit down two. Rose and Larry stand. People stand in the corners watching and listening.

"Now whatt do you need? Huh? Im suprised they trusted you Larry. I mean damn, I watched you die twice. It sucked really." I say while crossing my arms.

"Why are you so upset Kj?" Erin asks. I look over at her.

"Pht." I snort. "Have you seen my parents?? My brother? They are the worst. Honestly, and you said so yourselves, I was so bad. I heard your converstation at Tiffany's house. Now let me ask you a question, why the fuck did you lock me in some basement?? I didnt do anything. And I got knocked out and dragged here." I say. Mac puts her hand on my arm. I look at her.

"Im sorry Kj I just, I was afriad that you would go back to them, and hurt everyone. Im sorry." Mac says, I look at her.

"I hope your sorry, because I fucking hate you." I say. She pulls her hand away. Erin looks between us.

"You dont mean that, I know you dont." Mac says while leaning back in her chair. "It's the Overwatch, they are making you think this way." Mac says. "Im sorry Kj, okay? Im sorry! Im sorry I locked you down there!! Im sorry that I tricked you! And Im sorry I left you all alone! I fucking love you more than anything! I would rip out my heart for you! My eyes! My brain! If Im dead for you to love me them Kj I am fucking dead! Kj please! I cannot live knowing the one person who vaildats my whole existince hating me! I will do anything! Anything for you! I dont have much but I will give you the whole fucking world!! Please forgive Kj. Please. I love you." Mac says while grabbing my hand and holding it. My eyes widen and I look around.

"Uhh okay." I say, Mac looks at me. I smile. "I love you too Mac." I say. Mac jumps onto me and hugs me.


A/n Im only doing like 1, 2 or 3 more chapters so yeah!! Sorry Im tired!! Please enjoy!! <<33 love yall!!

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