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~Kj's POV~

"Holy shit you just kissed Mac Coyle!!!" My friend Vanessa shreaks and we walk down the hall. I shrug my shoulders.

"Okay and??" I ask.

"You realized that you now have a target on your front, back, and forehead!! Your gonna get bullied!!" She says.

"It's now my first time kissing Mac and it sure wont be my last time." I say.

"You realize that guys and girls have a crush on both you and Mac! Now I personally dont care I am you best friend and you can makeout with whoever you wont I wont judge you!!" Vanessa says.

"Vanessa please just stop." I say. I walk to my locker. "Plus me and Mac are dating." I say while opening it. Her eyes widen.

"Your dating Mac!? The girl who shoots fireworks at people and threatens their lives?!" Vanessa asks. I furrow my eyebrows.

"What happened to you saying that you wont judge me for who I makeout with??" I ask.

"Well that was before I found out that you were dating her!! And I am not homophobic I dont care my cousin is gay! But like Mac Coyle, really Kj??" She asks.

"So Kj!" Someone yells. I turn to see Marcus.

"What the fuck does he want." I mutter under my breath. "What!?" I yell back.

"I heard your dating the Coyle bitch." He yells. I cross my arms.

"So what?! You like her? Cause to bad." I yell.

"Nah actually I had the hots for you!" He says while walking closer. I roll my eyes.

"I dont really care." I say. Marcus gets close to where he is standing right in front of me.

"Why are you dating her anyway??" He asks.

"Okay lemme think." I say while putting a finger on my bottom lip and tapping it. "Oh I know!! Because she is a amazing kisser unlike you, she is hot as fuck, she speaks her mind, oh and she is just cool as fuck, oh and did I mention hot??" I say. Marcus scoffs and rolls his eyes.

"Yeah well that Coyle bitch is a trouble maker, and once you see that you will come crying to me." He growls.

"You would like that wouldnt you??" I ask.

"I warned you Brandman!" He says while walking away. I turn around to see Vanessa making heart eyes towards him.

"Is he a good kisser??" She asks.

"I dunno, I heard from Lilian that he is a bad one but I heard from Quinton that he is a amazing one." I say. I slam my locker shut and Vanessa jumps. "Anyways Imma head to class because this is boring." I say while walking away. I can feel everyone's eyes on me as I walk, I can hear their whispers too.

"Did you know that she is dating the Coyle girl?!" On of the girls whispers to another girl.

"She kissed Mac in front of everyone!!" A boy whispers.

"What if her parents find out??" A girl asks.

"I dont know." Another girl whispers. My brother will know about me dating Mac soon and then he will tell my parents who will be pissed. And they will call Mac's parents and tell them to have Mac stay away from me which I dont want that.

"Will you all just shut the fuck up!?" Tiffany shouts from behind me. I turn around. "Hey girl whats up?" She asks while putting a arm around me. I smile.

"Im good how bout you?" I say.

"Eh Im doing fine." She says, we walk down the hall. "Y'know I suggest you stop staring!" Tiffany yells.

"Where's Erin??" I ask.

"She's already in her class, we heard about what happened. Goddamn I didnt know you'd do that in public!!" She says.

"I know!" I say while nodding.

KJ x Mac!! Paper Girls!Where stories live. Discover now