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A/n y'know I am writing a story about a couple yet I cant get any bitches🤣😭
~TW: F-flur used~

~KJ's POV~

I wake up, I feel on my forehead, stitches line it up. I shouldnt have hit it that hard. I walk out of the room. Mac is there waiting for me. I look around. "Wheres Erin and Tiff??" I ask.

"New girl and Tanya went home with their parents, my dad or brother havent came yet and your parents are here either." Mac says her crutches under her arms and a knee brace thingy on her knee. I look around to make sure no ones around. When I see that the coast is clear I grab her shirt and pull her into a kiss. It lasts for about a minute before I pull away. Mac smirks. "Y'know cutie you couldve asked for a kiss." She says. I roll my eyes.

"I know." I say, I cross my arms. Mac runs her thumb over the stitches on my forehead.

"You'll have a badass battle scar there." Mac says.

"Oh whatever you need crutches to walk." I say. She gives me a fake hurt look.

"Wow okay rude." Mac says. All of a sudden my mom burstest into the room.

"Kj Brandman come on we are going home this instant." My mom says. I exchange looks with Mac.

"Uhh whats wrong mom??" I ask her eye brow raised slightly.

"Kj I do not have time for this get in the car now." My mom says sternily. I look at Mac.

"Uh I'll wait until Mac brother or dad comes to pick her up." I say while moving closer to her. My mom groans.

"First you go ahead and get yourself kidnapped and now your talking back to me? What next you are gonns say that your a fucking faggot?" My mom says while throwing her hands in the air. I look at Mac again.

"Chill out mom." I say.

"No Kj! You have been missing for weeks and now suddenly you show up?!" My mom says angrliy.

"Well you stopped looking for me!!! Erin and Tiffany and Macs parents all looked for them while you just sat on your lazy asses probally counting how much fucking money youve gotten from family member because of my disapperence god I wish I never came home because you to self centered to even worry about you fucking kids!!" I shout at her. Mac smirks. My mom crosses her arms.

"Dont you fucking shout at me every again girl now c'mon." She says while grabbing my arm and dragging me out of the hospital. She shoves me into the car and then speeds away. The drive is awkward and silent. My mom taps her thumbs on the steering wheel. I just wanna get home and cuddle with my puppy and sleep in my bed. Thats all I want. We pull up into the drive way of our house. I rush inside and open the door. My puppy rushes into the room and starts to lick my face.

"Hi buddy! I missed you!!!" I say to my dog. (A/n I dunno the dogs name) My mom closes the door behind her. "Im gonna go take a shower!!" I say while running upstairs. I turn the dial on the shower think and water shoots out of the shower head. I take off my clothes and step into the shower, the shower is warm and nice. I just stand there taking in the heat. I grab the shampoo bottle and squirt some soap into my hand, I run my hands through my tangled hair. I wash out the soap and then I grab the condinioner.

~Mac's POV~

My step mom shows up to pick me up, which is a suprise but I mean she did go to my grave. (A/n I dunno the step moms name so Imma call her Nancy) I walk to the car with her and open the door then close it. I buckle my seat belt. Nancy starts the engine. "Y'know I missed you when you were gone." Nancy says. I look over at her. I raise a eye brow.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yeah really! I missed you stealing my cigs, that got me to slowly stop smoking." Nancys says.

"You knew about that!?" I ask suprised.

"Yeah, I could tell when you took them, I never said anything because I didnt want you to feel embaressed." She says. I smile.

"I honestly cant wait to go back to the shit show that is my home." I say which Ive never really have ever said before. We continue to drive home in silence, but not awkard silence. Just a good type of silence that doesnt get awkward and someone feels that they need to talk.

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