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~Kj's POV~

School has ended and everyone runs out of the school building as fast as they can, running to their buses, their parents cars, or running home. Mac, Tiffany, and Erin all walk out of the building with me, me and Mac holding hands, she squeezes my hand and smiles at me. Someone honks their horn and waves their hand out to us. "Oh thats my step mom! She is gonna take me out and buy like two new shirts and we are gonna just hangout." Mac says. She gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Goodbye love see you tonight." Mac says. I wave as she walks off.

"My bus is here I better get going!" Tiff says while walking towards a bus, me and Erin wave goodbye.

"Are your parents coming to pick you up??" Erin asks.

"No, are yours??" I ask.

"Yeah my mom should be here soon." Erin says, when she says that a car pulls up with her mom in there. "Oh theres my mom! Bye Kj see you later!!" Erin says. I wave to her as she runs off to her car. I smile. I turn and walk down the street, I decide to take the long way home. It is cloudy out and you can see you breath in the air as you breathe. I pull my hood up on my sweatshirt and put my hands in my pockets. Light little snow flakes come from the sky and cover the ground. No cars pass by which I find strangly odd. I start to hear footsteps from behind me, I turn around frantically but no one it there. It might just be my nerveres I mean Im still on edge and I'll be on more edge at home. Someone grabs my arm and puts a cloth over my mouth.

"Shhh Kj its okay~ you'll be fine." A sweet sounding voice says quietly into my ear. My eyes began to feel heavy and before I know it Im slumped over in the strangers arms.

~Macs POV~

"Soo who was that girll?" My step mom asks.

"Thats Kj, shes my girlfriend." I says nervously.

"Ooo~~ Mac's in love~~" She says. I put my hand over my mouth as I feel my face warm up.

"Oh shut upp!!" I say.

"Oh c'mon kid theres no shame with being in love!" She says.

"I know it's just that, her parents dont accpect that and well a lot of people are homophobic and they dont like gay people." I say while slouching in my seat.

"You be fine! If someone hurts you I'll have your dad or brother come after them with a shot gun." She says. I laugh. "Hey can you grab me a cig from the glove box?" She asks, I open the glove box and grab a box of cigs and a lighter. I hand it to her. "Thanks." She says while grabbing one and lighting it. I guess she could tell I was staring. "Y'know I really shouldnt do this but you can have one." She says while holding the box open. I grab one and grab the lighter from her hand. I put it into my mouth and light it.

"Thanks." I say.

"Y'know you should really stop smoking, your just a kid and have your whole life ahead of you." She says

"God you sound like Kj, but her voice is sweeter." I say.

"I mean she is right! And I mean I bet she does have a sweetier voice than me." She says. "So will I ever get to meet her??" She asks.

"Yeah, I dunno when but some day." I say.

"She seems like a lovely girl." My step mom says.

"You have no idea." I say whike looking out the window.

~Kj's POV~

I feel groggy. My head feels like a crate full of bricks, my eyes are heavy. I try to rub my eyes but my arms are tied behind my back. "Ohh shit!!" I shout. "No no no! Let me the fuck out of here!!!" I shout. Im in a empty room, a door sits arcoss the other side of the room. The door slowly creaks open. "Let me the fuck outta here!!!" I shout.

"Ohh Kj~ you need to calm down." A voice says.

"Goddamn it I can never catch a fucking break!!!" I shout.

"Yeah and your life will get a whole lot worse." A male voice says.

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