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~Kj's POV~

Its okay! Its fine! Dont freak out! Mac just loves you still! I put my hand over my heart. I look into my mirror my face is red. Fuck. I grab a sweatshirt and run back downstairs. "Hey." Mac says she's laying on one of the couches in the palrolor room.

"Ready to go?" I ask while throwing her ghost costume at her and a plastic bag for the candy.

"Yep." She says while getting up. I hold the door open for her. "Well thank you sweetie." Mac says. I roll my eyes. "Do you know where all of the full sized candy bars are passed out?" Mac asks while pulling the ghost costume over her head. I pull mine over my head.

"Yeah I know where." I say. We walk down the streets.

~Time skip because idk what to do~

"Holy shit we have so many fucking pieces of candy." Mac says while looking into her plastic bag.

"Yeah I told you, I know the good places." I say.

"Oh my god Kj is that you?" Someone says from behind us.

"Shit." I mutter. "Dont say anything." I say to Mac.

"Heyyy." I say to Emma who is dressed up as a devil and Jude dressed up as a angel. "I thought you were going to hangout with Lola and Oliva." I say again.

"Yeah well we wantes to get free candy before we go and hangout with them, what are you doing? Why arent you going to hangout with them too?" Jude says.

"I ummm, Im hanging out with someone already." I say.

"Who are you hanging out with?" Jude asks, I point at Mac with my thumb.

"Her, she's uhhh my childhood friend and she moved away so I am hanging out with her." I say.

"Oh how long is she staying? Would she like to hangout with us?" Emma asks.

"Uhh shes staying forrr."

"Im staying for a week and a half." Mac says.

"Thats so cool!!" Jude says.

"Yeah and we were just about to go back to my house." I say while grabbing Mac's arm and start walking away.

"Oh shit my costume." Mac whispers. I look over to see it falling down from her face.

"Shit." I look back at Emma and Jude, they arent looking. But Emma is starting to turn around. I pull Mac's costume back over her face. And wave at Emma. I rush back to my house and push Mac inside and close the door behind me. "Okay, we are good." I say while taking off my costume.

"What was that about?" Mac asks while taking off her costume.

"What? Dude you realize if they knew it was you everyone would hate me!" I say.

"I thought you didnt care about that." Mac says.

"I dont, its just complicated!" I say.

"What are you embarrsed of me?! Like you were embarrsed of me back in 4th grade when I told you I fucking loved you." Mac says.

"I didnt know how to react okay!" I say. "But hey Im not ignoring you now! And I know you still like me." I say.

"What, no I dont." Mac says. I shake my head.

"I heard what you said earlier." I say. "That you still love me and you hate it." I say.

"That was a lie!" Mac says.

"Im sorry Mac okay!" I say.

"Why are you sorry?" Mac asks. "I should be sorry, I should be over you by now." Mac says.

"So you do still like me." I say while flopping onto my couch.

"Im sorry." Mac says while flopping onto my couch next to me. I look over at her.

"Dont be sorry." I say, I move closer to her and lay my head onto her leg.

"I donr really care, when I was younger I just didnt know how to react to you liking me." I say. I sit up and look at her. Ive had guys like me and try so hard to date me, but Ive never had a girl, and she doesnt try so hard to date me. I feel more comfortable around her than anyone else. I moved closer to her, so close that our noses touch.

"Kj, what are you doing?" Mac asks. "Kj dont do anything that you wilk regert okay? You dont like me like that." Mac says.

"What if I do?" I ask. I kiss her, she doesnt pull away. She kisses back. I pull away.

"Holy shit." Mac says, her face bright red.

"Sorry." I say while getting up.

"Its fine." Mac says.

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