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Mac's POV
"Why the hell would she join them? She hates them!" Tiff says annoyed as the door shuts behind Kj. I lean against the wall.
"Because she's a fucking hipocrit." I say.
"Yeah kinda true." Erin says shruging her shoulders.
"And we will get our memories wiped so we wont remember her and her betrayal too." Tiff says while crossing her arms. The doors open and the Grandfather walks in.
"Okay Mac its time for your operation." He says. I roll my eyes and follow him out of the room.
Tiff's POV
I watch as Mac leave the room. "This whole friend group is falling apart and turning into a shit show." I say, Erin nods.
"Agreed." She says, Erin looks over at me. "What do you think happened while we were gone? Cause there is a lot of things to unpack from all of that." Erin says again, I nod in agreement.
"So there was something about kissing and loving each other." I say, Erin gasps. "What?" I ask while looking at her.
"What if they dated??" Erin asks while hiding a smile, I shrug.
"Would explain why they are so pissed with each other." I say, Erin smiles.
"I kinda want them to date again so I can watch them be all lovey dovey." Erin says. I scrunch up my nose and look at her.
"Why the fuck would you want that?" I ask.
"Because I feel like it'd be cute to see and Ive never seen Mac truely nice and happy." Erin says.
"Eh same." I say.
Kj's POV
Stupid Mac, stupid stupid stupid heart. I dont want this I hate loving her and hearing her say that hurts my heart but I fucking cant stop loving her, how her lips felt against mine how she would call me cutie and how she was cocky and never showed weakness like goddamn Im in love with her. But she doesnt love me anymore and I have to understand that and I will have to go back to school with her and I will have to ignore her but yet keep tabs on them for the Overwatch. I shouldnt have joined. Im a piece of shit I shouldve never said those things to her I love her she is my sun and its like Im the moon. Its cold where I am and shes the light of my life.
"Oi Kj!" One of the guards yells to me, I look up.
"What?" I ask.
"Surgey is done and shes awake, her memory will get wiped soon so go visit her real quick." They say, I nod and go to the operation room. Mac is in there with Erin and Tiff, they are laughing and having a good time, I open the door. Their faces drop and they all stare at me.
"So how do you feel?" I ask awkwardly.
"Get out." Mac says. "I dont wanna see you ever again so go away." Mac says again. My heart breaks again, I nod my head sadly.
"Kk bye." I say while leaving and slamming the door behind me.

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