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Kj's POV
"So wait your telling me that the Over Watch is here?!" I yell as older me speeds down the street.
"Yes younger me, they are here and are looking for you, I saw them." Older me says.
"But wait all of the other older us doesnt remember any of the, how do you?" Mac asks from the back seat, I dont look at her, I just cross my arms and look out the window.
"Well heres the thing I've done my best to not get caught by them so they cant erase my memories of any of this, so thats how I remember." Older me says, she starts to tap the stering wheel nevrously.
"Well how did you know about us being here?" Mac asks.
"I didnt ever remember coming to this year and being trapped here with you." Older me says.
"So what was this all a accident?" I ask looking at future me.
"Yeah it was." Older me says, I lower my head and look back out of the window. So if we had never landed in this year me and Mac wouldnt be together and fighting again huh. I think while watching the buildings whizz by.
"Where are we going?" Mac asks. Older me looks in the review mirror at Mac.
"My house." She says.
"But doesnt the Overwatch know where you live?" Mac asks.
"I signed it off under a fake name, I also dont leave the house without a had and sunglasses and a sweatshirt on." She says. "And I own two different cars, I keep the other one in a storage unit." She says again, Mac scoffs.
"Rich people." I hear her mutter from behind me.
"So dont worry you both will be safe at my house the Overwatch thinks that I still live with my parents so I visit everyday and have them say whenever someone comes by to look for me to say 'shes out with friends'." Older me says.
"You thought this out didnt you?" I ask her still looking out the window.
"Yep." Older me says, we stop in front of a random house. Older me reaches back and grabs a hat, sunglasses, and a hoodie. She puts them all on and starts to drive again. "Sorry I always do this so I can put on a disgues." She says, I nod. We drive for 2 more minutes before we reached a medium sized house, we pull into the drive way. Older me stops the car and looks at both me and Mac. She grabs two other hoodies from the back and throws them at us. "Put those on and hoods up and keep your heads down go it?" She asks, I nod my head, Mac nods hers too. "Okay lets do this then." Older me says sighing while opening the car door, we all get out. Older me's neighbor is watering her flowers in her front yard.
"Oh Leah!!" She says, while waving over at us.
"Hi Shelly!" Older me says while waving back.
"Who are these two?" The neighbor asks.
"These are my nieces, Reghan and Maya!" Older me says, I looked up at her confused.
"Aw well have a good day girls!!" The neighbor says. Older me waves goodbye and we head inside.
"Your fake name is Leah?" I ask her with a eyebrow raised.
"That is what I could think of as fast as I could." Older me says.
"Why is our names Reghan and Maya though?" Mac asks.
"Thats what came to mind." Oldet me says.
"Anyways guest room is upstairs and is the 2nd on the right." Older me says. I look at her.
"Um do you have two guest rooms?" I ask her, while I take off the hoodie. She takes off the hat, sunglasses, and hoodie.
"No why?" She asks. I look behind me, Mac had already gone upstairs. I look back at future me.
"Its uh because me and her are fighting and I dont wanna be near her I cant even look at her." I say, I put my hands behind my back.
"I have a inflatable matress that we can put in my room." Older me says, I look at her happily.
"Really?" I ask her.
"Yeah, I know how you feel, me and Mac dated since we where 12, we fighted none stop, and we kept breaking up and getting back together, it sucked and Erin and Tiff thought we had a toxic relationship but we still got back together." Older me says while sighing. "I think the reason why we kept getting back together is because we were afraid of ruining our friend group and being alone without someone to love." Older me says again while putting her hands on the counter. "I was do upset when she got sick." Older me says while tearing up.
"Hey its okay." I say while putting my hand on her shoulder.
"We got into a huge arguement and we broke up." She says. "I didnt wanna see her even though I knew she was dying." She says again. "Thats my 1 regret is not seeing her before she died, I saw just selfish and petty." Older me says while covering her face.
"Ive been trying to get Mac to go to the hospital to get better now so she wont die." I say while hugging older me. "She doesnt wanna get better." I say while letting a tear stream down my cheek. "Its like she accpected her fate the moment she heard it, but I dont want that fate for her, I want her to live and be happy." I say while taking a deep breath. Older me looks over at me.
"Its her desion if she wants to get treated now or not, you dont have to force her to, she can choose her fate." Older me says, I sigh.
"I know, I know." I says while nodding. "I just want her to live and be happy." I say.
Macs POV.
I sit at the top of the stairs eavsdropping on everything they've said. I put my head in my hands, I bring my knees closer to my chest. I shake my head. She wont even come and visit me in the hospital huh? I think to myself. I put my head against the wall. I sigh and stand up, I go to the guest room and open the window, I pull out the pack of cigs and grab one, I light one and put it between my lips, I inhale it, and then exhale it. I hit the window sill. "God fucking damn it!!" I mutter while hitting the window sill again. "What the fuck is wrong with me?" I ask myself while putting the cig between my lips again.

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