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~Mac's POV~

Everyone is just fucking insane! Thats my conclusion really! I mean time travel?! We are all ovbiously high! Im guessing one of us (I mean me) had found my brothers stash while hiding from nothing and gotten high and are imaging it all. And these weird guys are just my brother and his friend pranking us. The door swings open. And the two men walk out first.

"Their here!" One of them yells.

"Stay inside of here unless we tell you kids to move." The other says to us while walking away carrying a gun. I look at everyone inside.

"So we should probally remain silent." I whisper.

"Run!!" The guy who told us not to move yells while hitting his hand on the side. I shake Erin awake from her trance and me and Tanya carry new girl on our shoulders until we get to a tree. Shots are being fired at every angle and there is way more of the people with the white uniforms than the guys who killed us. It is like 13 vs 2. I rush away as I get shot at leaving Erin behind. I duck behind a fallen log.

"Go away!" Kj whispers next to me. I jump and slap her. I put my hand to my mouth.

"Shit sorry." I say. Kj holds her cheeck and glares. "Whats up your ass?" I whisper.

"I dunno, probally that you are being rude and flirting with the Erin girl." Kj whispers angrliy.

"You're the one that! Wait....." I mutter. "...your jelous! Wait your jelous of Erin because Im getting close with her." Kj falls silent.

"I dont like this spot anymore." She whispers while rushing somewhere else.


Im tired so sorry for a short story.

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