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Macs POV
I stay there for a while, standing there like a fool. I wait a while before I slump on the curb. "That was older Kj." I mutter to myself while my hand is on my head. "I just met older Kj and she knew me." I mutter to myself again.
"Excuse me." A person asks another man a few feet away from me. "Have you seen two teenage girls, one with short brown hair and the other with curly shoulder length brown hair?" The guy asks, I look back to see one of the people from the Overwatch. My heart skips in fear. I look across the street to see more people from the Overwatch, I pull up my hood and stand up.
"I have to get to KJ." I whisper to myself. I walk down the street avoiding eyecontact and talking to people. Where is she?! I think while reacting the area we split up at. I continue to look around, I look into stores and resterants. "Not there." I mutter while looking down a allyway. I walk down the street some more. I bump into someone again. "Watch where your going dumbass." I mutter, I look and see older Kj again.
"Come on quickly." She mutters. I tilt my head. "Goddamn it always so stubborn." She says while grabbing my arm and dragging me. We get up to her car. "Get in please." She says annoyed.
"You might kidnap me." I say.
"Would you rather be zapped by the Overwatch?" She asks me. I shake my head and get into the back seat, normal Kj is sitting up front with her arms crossed and her feet on the dashboard while looking ahead onto the road.
"Hey Kj." I say awkwardly.
"Leave me the fuck alone Mac I don't have anything to say to you." She says as older Kj gets in. I nod my head and slump back.
"So you guys can come and stay at my place, my folks are out of town for a while so you guys can stay in the guest room." Older Kj says, the normal Kj nods her head. "Also if your wondering how I know about the Overwatch is because I didn't get zapped so my memories are here. So Mac that's how I knew you." She says while meeting my eyes in the review mirror, I nod my head. "Oh and a few friends might come over here and there." Older Kj says as we drive down the street.

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