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~Kj's POV~

Stupid feelings, I what feelings? All I know is that I am not in love with Mac and yet I loved the kiss. But Erin, I love Erin she is a sweet girl really and I hope we get to be really good friends, she just, she's been looking at Mac. And I know me and Mac arent dating but Mac is my best friend and I just think Erin would be better as a friend thats all.

"Kj." Tiff says silently while putting her hand on my shoulder. I jump slightly.

"I almost had a heart attack." I whisper to her.

"Shhh!" I hear Mac go.

"I think they might be in the basement." Tiff whispers to me. I nod in understandment. We all slightly creep down the stairs. A few floor board groan and creack under our feet as we walk to the stairs. Mac is the first to go down. Erin is behind her, and then Tiff, then me. I hold onto the back of Tiff's shirt as we walk down the stairs. I start to hear static and radio shifting. Me and Tiff exchange looks. Behind some plasic curtains are two body shapes on the ground while flashlights and holding what I am guessing is Tiff's walkie talkie. Mac stops us and holds up her fingers. She holds up a three, and then a two, and then one. She signals us to go. Mac pulls back the plastic curtains.

"Hey motherfuckers!" Mac yells while jumping onto one of them. Tiff and Erin run towards the other one. The two men are wearing weird looking masks and are struggling against the girls. I run over to help Mac. I shove into the guy and he slams against the wall. Mac yanks off his mask. Me and Mac both freeze. The guys face is messed up, like really bad. Erin and Tiff stop fighting the other guy behind us. The guy who I slammed against the wall grabs his mask and runs out, the other guy in the mask follows. Taking the walkie talkie with them.

"What the fuck what wrong with his face?!" Tiff yells.

"I dunno." I say in shock.

"It was all messed up! It looked so weird and creepy!" Tiff says.

"We know." I say.

"They deffintaly werent the guys from ealier." Erin says.

"Then who were they?!" Tiff asks.

"I dont know!" Mac yells.

"Guys!" I yell.

"What?!" Mac yells back.

"The sun is rising." I say while pointing at the small window that has purpleish light coming through.

"Oh shit!" Erin yells. We all book it up the stairs. We run outside. The sky is all purple. I stop.

"C'mon Kj! We gotta finish our rounds!" Mac says. I push back my sleeve and check my watch. It's 5:24 am. Long before the sun should be up. The sun is suppoaed to rise at 7:59 am.

"Something isnt right." I say.

"What do you mean?" Tiff asks.

"It's 5:24 am! We have enough time to deliver papers!" I say.

"But the sun is rising!" Erin says.

"A sun rise isnt purple." I say while gesturing to the sky.

"What the fuck is going on then??" Mac asks.

"I dont know." I say. "But we should go find someone." I say again. We all sprint off towards our bikes and get onto them. We ride into town.

"Uhhh guys." Tiff says.

"What Tanya?" Mac asks.

"Isnt it weird that we havent seen anyone around on our ride here? Like shouldnt we see some cars?" Tiff asks. "And we havent seen a single person." She says again.

"Yeah, maybe there might be a watch for something, we can ride to my house it's the closest." Mac says. We head to her house. Ive only been to Mac's house twice. But that was a long time ago.

~Time skip~

We ride up into Mac's driveway. We drop our bikes in the grass and run inside. Mac slams the door shut and locks it. "Dad!!" Mac yells while running into the hallways of the one story house. "Dylan!!" She yells.

"What the fuck is going on??" Erin asks.

"I dunno." I say. Mac runs back into the living room. "Well?" I ask.

"They arent here, and they dont normally leave for work till 8 am so they should be here." Mac says.

"What the fuck is going on then??" Erin asks.


Merry Christmas!!!!!!!<<<<<3333333 hope everyone has a great Christmas and gets amazing presents and eats great food!!

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