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~Kj's POV~

"You look tired as fuck." Erin says while linking our arms together in the hallway.

"I am tired as fuck Erin." I say while yawning and rubbing one of my eyes. Erin guides me through the crowd of people.

"Mac asked me to bring you to her." Erin says.

"Why didnt she come get me herself?" I ask.

"I honestly dont know really." Erin says. "Ooo! What if she is planning a surpies party for you!!!" Erin says while shaking my arm.

"Yeah right, a party for what?? Your a weirdo Erin." I say while nudging her with my elbow.

"Uhh I dunno!" Erin says while skipping along the halls.

"Where are we going anyways??" I ask.

"Oh we are going to the back of the school!" Erin says.

"Okay." I say. We walk the rest of the way in silence, Erin brings me to the back of the school. I look to see Mac stands there with a cig in her mouth, she isnt paying attention.

"I got your booooo~~" Erin says.

"Thank you Erin! Hi Kj!!" Mac says while rushing over to me and grabbing my hands. I lean in for a kiss but she stops. "So will you love me for ever and ever no matter what?" Mac asks. I nod my head and eye her as I look for Tiff and Erin.

"Uh yeah, why?" I say.

"Great! Then please still love me!" Mac says, and with that pain shoots through. Me and I fall to the ground, everything fades for black to the world, I try to get up but I get kicked back down. My head hits the ground and everything fades.

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