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~Kj's POV~

I yawn as I wake up, the sun shines through Tiffanys blinds. I look around, no one else is in here. I push the blanket off and start to walk down the stairs when I hear laughing from the kicthen. "Dude what the fuck that wasnt even that funny!" Mac says while dying of laughter.

"That was actually pretty funny!" Erin says.

"Oh c'mon my imperssion of Kj was spot on!" Tiffany say while laughing. I furrow my eyebrows, what are they talking about?

"Oh c'mon she isnt like that anymore!" Mac says.

"I know but before she delivered papers she was y'know a bit different rude." Tiffany says.

"Yeah well she's nicer now!! She doesnt make fun of anyone anymore and she doesnt care about her desiner  shoes or clothes." Mac says.

"Wait Kj used to act like that??" Erin asks.

"Yeah if someone bumped into her in the halls she would yell at them and make fun of them." Tiffany says.

"I never knew that she acted like that before." Erin says.

"She changed a lot, she would act like her parents all rich and snobby, but she changed after she joined giving out news papers." Mac says. I lean against the wall. Was I really that bad??

"She's acting a bit strange now." Erin says. How did they notice.

"Maybe her parents said something to her." Mac says.

"Yeah but Mac she called you by your real name!" Tiffany says. "She's hiding something from us." She says again. I walk down another step.

"I hide shit from you guys all of the time." Mac says.

"Yeah well we know that you lie! But Kj is always so truthful." Tiffany says. I walk down a few more steps.

"Shh guys someones coming." Erin says. I walk down the steps fully and everyone turns to look at me.

"Oh hey love!" Mac says while standing up and giving me a kiss on the cheek. I smile and kiss her lips. She pulls away and push a chair out and motions for me to sit. I walk over and sit in the chair. I scoot closer to the table and Mac sits down next to me. She smiles at me, Erins mom just finished making eggs and toast. She sets down plate infront of us. I look over at Mac as she picks up her fork and starts to eat her eggs. I grab the toast and take a bite. Everyone else eats their breakfast too. Something feels different with our friendship, hearing everything they said about me. They cant be just truthful with me which hurts.

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