Bad memory

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"So, you're meaning to tell me that you made an nausea potion and gave it to someone, which made their head spin and all dizzy?" Aizawa repeated, putting everything together in his head.

Tommy seemed offended, before putting his hands in the air to defend himself.

"Well, I did create the potion but I didn't give it to anyone! They asked to see it, but then Kaminari took it and drank it despite my warnings" Tommy said, switching all his weight on one leg.

Aizawa sighed, hand running down his face as he felt himself being even more disappointed. And the laughs that the other fellow teachers tried to hide, obviously failing, didn't help. Tommy himself chuckled to himself, before coughing and hiding his smile behind his hand.

"I thought they were smarter than this.." Aizawa mumbled to himself, closing his eyes in attempt to not lose any brain cells.

Present Mic stood up from his seat and walked towards his friend and the fellow student, patting Tommy's back when he walked past him.

"Good job kid! Thanks to you they will probably never drink a suspicious looking potion ever again!" He said, before cackling when Aizawa threw a folded piece of paper at him. "What?! You should be thankful! This way they won't be drugged"

Tommy nodded, smirk visible on his face as he looked at Aizawa teasingly. He stuck his tongue out when the older black haired man wasn't looking. He thought he could get away with it but moments later the whole air was knocked out of his lungs when Aizawa's capturing weapon was wrapped around his chest.
He scoffed, struggling a little to get out of the grey scarf, only for it to tighten and force him to stand straight, not being able to move an inch. Tommy whined loudly, giving Aizawa his best puppy eyes. He remembered how well they worked on everyone back in L'manburg. Surely, they would work this time. But as he soon found out, Aizawa had a heart of ice and he wouldn't budge.

"Pleaseeeeee? I promise to never do it again" Tommy said, throwing his head back as he groaned in annoyance when nothing worked.

"Do you really?" Aizawa asked, raising one of his eye brows as he send him a glance.

"Of cou-" Tommy cut himself of when the glare send his way only darkened. "Maybe?"

"Then I'm not letting you go"

Unable to control themselves, both Midnight and Present Mic started giggling like little girls, watching the situation. One thing they agreed on at this moment was that the two looked like a father and son who were arguing about something random and truth to be told, it was hilarious.
Tommy send them a harsh look, before huffing and slumping to the ground. Aizawa stared at him weirdly before continuing his work.
Tommy looked at him shocked, before burying his head in the capture weapon.

"Bastard.." he mumbled to himself, hearing a dry laugh escape Aizawa's lips as he shook his head.

Tommy smiled to himself, before closing his eyes for a moment to relax, still being stuck in the scarf.

・.。.:* *.:。.・

Tommy was sure he met everyone in class and had a proper introduction, even if it was only seconds. There were students more eager to talk and this who didn't seem like they wanted to face Tommy at all. He quickly caught up that there were some squads, often chilling with each other and hanging out together at the lunch break. Bakusquad and Dekusquad. The two main ones? As Kaminari said when he came back from the Recovery Girl. The rest of the students basically hang out with everyone else, sometimes preferring to be by themselves. Tommy couldn't really blame them, he also liked sometimes to be left alone and have some time for himself. It was normal, especially for teenagers like him.
However most of that free and lone time, Tommy spend thinking about his old home and how he missed some certain people. Surely, he didn't miss someone like Dream or Phil, but he also had friends there. Like Ranboo, Puffy and some more.
He couldn't help but wonder if he will be able to come back to L'manburg one day. Not that he didn't like U.A, don't get him wrong. This place was awesome and people were surprisingly nothing kind to him. He never wanted anything more than that and he was sure he could call some of this people friends. Bit still, his heart longed to L'manburg where his home and family was. That's where he lived for 16 years. He wouldn't be able to just forget about it and move on. And as much as he wished to stay here forever, he was sure this people would grow bored of him and eventually want him gone.

And now, sitting here in Nezu's office, he wasn't sure what they expected from him. Aizawa asked him to come along to the Principal's office, having something to talk about. But when he was asked one certain question, he knew it wasn't something nice to talk about.

"What happened back in L'manburg?" Nezu asked him, small bit smart eyes staring back at him.

Tommy froze for a moment, unsure what they wanted to hear in the first place. Of course he knew he would have to tell them eventually, but why this soon? Can't it wait a little bit longer?
He was about to open his mouth when Aizawa, who was leaning against a wall by the window, spoke.

"As much as we want to keep you safe and make sure you're comfortable with everything, you have to tell us some things. We cannot help you without knowing what this people did And said" he explained, eyes filled with nothing but seriousness and a hint of worry.

"I don't know if I should. I-I mean I don't mean it in a way that I don't trust you or something, I really appreciate the help and everything you did for me. It's just.. it's hard to talk about it all" Tommy said, glancing down at his hands that shook uncontrollably.

"We understand, you've been hurt and it's reasonable you're scared. But we really want to help you so please, talk to us" Nezu said, offering Tommy a soft smile while handing him a cup of warm tea.

Tommy hesitantly took it, staring at the hot liquid that made his fingers burn with a nice feeling. He sighed, bitting down hard on his bottom lip.

"Just... I have to warn you it will take some time and- I'm sorry in advance if I freak out or something" Tommy chuckled to himself dryly. "I hate talking about it and it brings back some ugly memory."

Nezu nodded, only smiling softly and letting Tommy continue. The kid only grimaced, before looking up at Aizawa pathetically.

"...Please don't be angry at me, I couldn't even protect myself or take care of myself or-" His voice cracked a little, already feeling the old memory creep back to his head.

"We won't be mad, nor anything. You couldn't do anything if they were stronger than you and took advantage of your emotions" Aizawa said, looking out the window to hide the worry in his eyes.

Tommy took in a deep breath, gripping the hot mug in his hands.

"Remember that I warned you it's not something happy"

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