Can't control the tears

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For the first time in a while, Tommy wasn't entirely sure how to feel. Should he be stressed, nervous, angry or perhaps upset, he did not know. And because of his confusion, the way home lasted longer than normally, only adding to the sinking dread that formed in the put of his stomach. The soft music filled the car that he turned on the moment Aizawa turned the car on, silencing everything around them. For some reason he couldn't focus on the words of the lyric, entering his head through one ear and escaping the other.
He sat in his usual place in the passenger seat with Aizawa next to him and Shoto who occupied the space in the back of the car, eyes focused on the road and not once looking away. Tommy wanted to do the same but he found himself spacing out more than he would like, almost losing himself in the lake of thoughts that currently occupied his head.

Todoroki wasn't better. Ever since he found himself in his Sensei's car, he couldn't push away the huge amount of stress he was feeling. His teacher could be scary whenever they got into troubles or failed a test back in school and he couldn't imagine how scary he could be outside of it. He was strict and not easy going, giving them so much homework and tests it was hard to keep up. He seemed to not care if the fight was intense, only stopping it if it was necessary or the students going against each other were starting to take the fight too seriously. But as he explained, he was there to teach them how to be a hero and not babysit them. Which, of course, was understandable. But among all of that, there was one question growing in his head.
What was Tommy's and Aizawa-sensei's relationship. There was surely something going on between them and just the way Aizawa seemed to pay more attention to Tommy than the rest of the class was making things more obvious. Plus, the fact that Tommy was allowed to enter the teachers lounge whenever he felt like it was odd by itself. Hell, even all the teachers were acting around him like he was their long time friend, Tommy calling them by their names and acting all friendly. It was another thing that Todoroki never saw Tommy doing around their classmates.
The worried glances Aizawa would sent in Tommy's way whenever something was going on or they were acting very loud. He didn't put so much pressure on him, always looked after him and sometimes even invited to talk. All of it was wired coming from their teacher, but they weren't to judge.

Todoroki pulled his attention away from the car window when it seemed to slow down before completely coming to a stop. He was a little hesitant at first, looking forward to see what the other two would do. Tommy on the other hand pushed his body against the car door and opened it, before slumping out of the car. Aizawa sighed, his eyes looking up to the small mirror and locking on Todoroki, eyes narrowed. Todoroki took it as his clue to get out and carefully opened the doors before going out. When his feet were on the ground, he could finally to look around and check out the place where he was. The house looked pretty cool, with a small garden outside and if Todoroki was being honest, he preferred it more than his own house.
He followed silently Tommy who took out a key and struggled to open the doors for a moment before successfully unlocking it and standing to the side letting him go in first. The two haired boy only thanked and made his way insider, the warm air enveloping his body and welcoming inside.
It looked nice inside too, maybe won't something he expected from his teacher but still nice and casual.
After leaving his jacket by the doors and leaving his shoes to not leave a mess, he was brought to what seemed like a living room with a kitchen right next to it.

"Make yourself at home while I make some tea. Aizawa should be here any second, don't mind the mess" Tommy said shortly, before disappearing behind the wall.

Just like that, Todoroki was left alone in a home he has never been to before. His body was tense, eyes no trying to wander around to not invade anyone's privacy with hands folded in his lap.
The sound of opening doors didn't ease him and instead brought even more stress. Aizawa appeared in the living room, placing his bag on the floor by the wall and then sat next to Todoroki, who moved to yhr side a little.

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