Fly high, birdie

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As the sword went for his shoulder, he wasted no time in ducking, the floor scraping his knees a little, the stinging feeling throwing him off guard. The other took the opportunity to swing again, their sword grazing Fundy's cheek and leaving a thin line of blood behind. A single hair fell to the ground, disappearing in between all the dust, blood and chaos.
Bad took a step back, almost tripping over one of vines when Fundy thrusted his weapon forward, almost landing a hit on his stomach. Bad was trying to knock Fundy out and bring as little damage as possible, so the egg would be satisfied with its perfect visit. And that was the difference between him and Fundy.
Fundy wasn't going for mercy. His attacks were fast, unpredictable and made to kill. There was no knocking out on his part, only killing the man. After all, it was all in defense and since Bad couldn't take no for an answer, he would have to use other ways to get himself out of the sticky situation.

And when he swung the 30th time that day, he knew he didn't have my h time left. He was running out of energy and the Axe of Peace was slowly draining his body. He could feel its effects,  the tingling in his fingers from the vibrations the Axe emitted.
He bounced on his legs, kicking them out and easily sending Bad flying to the floor, a loud hiss of pain slipping past his lips. Fundy quickly jumped onto his feet, pointing the Axe at Bad, who slowly turned around to lay on his back. His eyes widened when the axe was inches from his face, one small move and the blade would pierce his eye. He froze, eyes trailing up to find the black eyes already staring at him. Only naive would miss the way his eyes scrunched, how they were filled with rage and no sight of mercy behind them.
When the corners of his lips quirked up a little, Fundy scrunched his nose and pushed the blade closer, forcing the demon to start begging.

How pitiful that a demon fell to his knees and begged to be spared.

"P-please, you don't understand! The Egg-"

"I do not care about the Egg, nor do I care about you. All I care about is getting the fuck out of here in one piece" Fundy stated, a snarl taking its place on his face. "If you apologize for insulting my uncle and trying to kill me, I will consider letting you live"

Bad smiled, but his lips were quivering and eyes tearing up. Fundy wasn't sure if he was serious at that moment or if he was that good at acting.

"I swear I didn't mean anything I said back then! Tommy was one of a kind, he always meant good!" Bad said, words spilling so fast Fundy had trouble understanding him. "I never meant to insult him or you"

Fundy scoffed, shaking his head as he stared at the man kneeling in front of him. People would do anything you told them to do once they find themselves in danger, wouldn't they? All it took was to threaten them and they would spill everything.
And so, Fundy took the opportunity to ask things he always wanted to know.

"What did Dream do to Tommy?" He asked.

A simple question. Yet the answers weren't that simple.
Bad looked up at him like a deer caught in head lights, pupils dilated like a cat. It was a pitiful sign, too.

"Oh? You wanna- you wanna know what Dream did to Tommy?" Bad laughed in between his words, the fear from his eyes disappearing for a moment. "That's a long story, don't you think? All the way from first war to the exile and even later on-"

"What did he do during exile?" Fundy simply asked, the axe twitching in his hand and it surely wasn't unnoticed by Bad who smiled innocently.

"And how do you know I was there to see what he did? What makes you think that, my dear friend?"
Bad asked.

There was something irking in his eyes, something that was supposed to push Fundy to his limits.

"Don't play a fool, BadBoyHalo. I know you've been there. We all know you did" Fundy said, his voice lacking any emotion or tone.

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