White feathers

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I have never typed a word XD so many times before. But you gotta do what you gotta do,

・.。.:* *.:。.

"What should I call you?" Asked Tommy, playing with a single white feather he was gifted.

XD tilted his head to the side, his blue eyes following every small move of Tommy's fingers as he traced the feather. XD's feather, one that he gave him as a sign of what he wanted to turn into a friendship. A promise.

"I carry a lot of names. Each of them is important to me." XD said, locking his eyes with Tommy's blue ones when he looked up at him.

"Like what?" He asked in curiousity, mimicking XD and tilting his own head to the left.

XD responded by moving his head to the right, smiling at Tommy who scoffed but smiled nonetheless.

"DreamXD, The Watcher, The Guardian, Prime-" he would continue if it wasn't for Tommy interrupting him.

"Can I just call you XD?" Tommy asked, eyes falling back to watch the feather that stayed in between his fingers.

It was soft like a cloud and so fragile Tommy was afraid he would damage it in any way. XD only reassured him that it was alright and that he casted a spell upon it to keep from any harm. But even if it did rip, he would give him another one. He had a lot of them and whenever they fell out, he would set them on fire and watch them burn. So it wouldn't be a waste if he gave them to Tommy instead.

"Why this name?" XD asked, hands resting in his lap.

Tommy grimaced and then XD realized why he didn't want to use his full name.

"DreamXD sounds nice and all but it is stuck in my head like a curse. An ugly image and I cannot bring myself to say that name" Tommy explained, fidgeting with his hands.

"I understand. You can call me whatever you wish to, I will be fine with anything" why was he so understanding and kind?

Tommy felt weird receiving such kindness, even if he had Aizawa and Hawks there to cherish him and treat with nothing but gentle hands.
It was still weird.

They stayed in silence for some time, both pair of eyes set on the small feather that Tommy deemed interesting enough to stare at for the next long moments. XD was relieved that Tommy felt comfortable enough to take something from him, especially something so personal and it definitely made his heart flutter.
The kid was something else, he concluded.

"Hey, XD?" Tommy's voice forced his attention to shift form his hands to his face.

With a questioning look, his blue eyes searched Tommy's for answers. Unfortunately, there was none.

"My new ability. Do you know something about it?" Tommy asked, narrowing his eyes when the God's mood seemed to cheer up.

"You mean this?" Tommy wasn't even able to ask what he meant before a small crack appeared in the white floor, a blue vine erupting from it not long after.

It was small, like a worm. It slowly creeped out of the crack and swayed in the air, not growing more than to 3 inches. Tommy gaped at it, unable to say anything that would make sense.

"Pretty cool, right?" XD asked, smiling at Tommy who looked at him as if he grew out another two heads.

"How did you-?!" Tommy couldn't find the proper words, his eyes trailing back to the vine with his mouth open.

XD laughed softly and the sound was like a music, a beautiful one.

"The power that is slowly growing inside of you is a gift of mine. A part of my abilities, that I find beautiful and destructive at the same time." XD quickly explained, reaching his hand out towards the vine.

It was almost as if it knew his hand was there, the blue vine resounding by leaning towards his hand and wrapping around it like a snake. If Tommy didn't know better, he would say the vine was alive and was cuddling up to the God's hand.

"You.. gave me a part of your power?" The blonde asked dumbfounded, not being able to grasp whatever was being said to him.

"Yes. You can summon it, tell it to go away, repair the damage it caused, bring harm to people, destroy things and use it as a weapon or a shield"

Tommy stared at the God, before looking down at his own hand.
Understanding the kid without words, XD's smile grew bigger and he placed his hand on Tommy's head.

"They respond to your emotions. The stronger the emotion, the stronger it will grow. That's why you need to he careful and learn to keep them under control" XD said, moving his rest to press it against Tommy's heart when the kid looked up. "You need to focus on those emotions and the power will respond. It will do whatever your heart says"

Tommy took the words to his heart, trying to focus on something. He wasn't angry, nor upset. But he figured out the small happiness he felt at that moment would be enough to summon at least a small vine, just like the one XD had.

"It will get easier with time. Once you grasp the concept of it, you won't have to feel something string. They will be summoned whenever you wish, it's just harder at the beginning."

DreamXD was a good teacher, Tommy figure. He should teach at UA, he would make a good teacher. Mayne not a better one than Aizawa, but better than All Might. The small book on how to be a good teacher was one of the reasons why Tommy didn't believe in his teaching abilities. He was a great hero and all, but perhaps teaching wasn't his strongest side.

"See? You're doing great"

Tommy opened his eyes and looked down. A wave of disappointment was quick to wash over him, his figure slounching forward. The vine was so small it was barely an inch tall! His eyes glared at the innocent vine, a scoff on his face. It moved around, slowly growing a little bigger.
He heard XD chuckle quietly, before a hand rested on his cheek and pulled his head up. His eyes gazed at the blue, a soft and genuine smile on the others face.

"Don't beat yourself too much, it is your first time doing it on purpose" the god tried to cheer him up and it might have worked a little.

"But why isn't it as big as before?" Tommy asked.

XD sighed, looking at the vine that was slowly making its way up his forearm.

"I already told you, it all depends on your emotions at first. The previous times it happened, you were driven by strong emotions such as rage and sadness. This time you're calm. It will be easier to do once you get the hand of it and then you won't have to feel threatened or scared to make them grow as tall as a building. It took me some time to get the hang of it, too. It was hard but if you practice, you will be great at it"

Tommy couldn't help but nod, poking the vine he summoned as it swayed from side to side.
It was cute, he had to admit.

"Hm, I'm afraid out time is running out. I will see you soon, Tommy, son of the Death herself" XD said, standing up and letting his wings open.

His mask returned to its place, hiding his face behind it.
Tommy was quick to follow, the small vine disappearing in the ground as he was distracted.

"Will I see you again?" He asked in a hopeful tone.

XD looked at him, leaned closer and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I will see you soon enough. Keep the feather close to your heart at all times and if you ever need me, whisper my name to it. It will inform me and I will come to see you. And if it will be needed, I will protect you just like I promised." XD said softly, caressing Tommy's cheek.

He only nodded, glancing at the white mask. He felt at peace, the mask didn't make him panic nor feel uneasy. It was different from the one that Dream carried.

"I will see you soon" Tommy whispered, closing his eyes as he leaned into the touch.

XD soon disappeared with a smile, eyes so soft like clouds.
Tommy felt his bidy growing tired, exhaustion kicking in and his body falling forward, landing on something fluffy.

His soul returned to where it was before, sleeping peacefully on the hospital bed with covers draped over his body.
A single white feather fell onto the pillow right next to his head, tickling his nose a little but enough to wake him up.

That night, he slept better than he ever did.

The Poisonous Feather // MHA x DSMPWhere stories live. Discover now