Last hope

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Guess who almost passed out today 😀 though I'm not really sure why. Probably because I was standing for quite a long time and it was a little hot..
But no worries, I'm better now!
And I apologize for not updating for the last few days but I felt kinda sick?
Anyways, hope you enjoy!

・.。.:* *.:。.・

"Bring the kid to me"

Fundy stared outside, the small window allowing him to see a little bit of the underground world. In all honesty, he would prefer to at least have the ability to look at the outside world instead of all the caves that looked all the same. And they had onto thing that stuck out the most to Fundy. The red Vines.
They were everywhere and he couldn't see a small rock that wouldn't be covered in them. It was concerning and he felt weird, having to look at them moving all around and sometimes even make a weird noise.
It was making him feel insane.

Ant, who showed up randomly after some time since he was brought here, took him into a different room where there was more light. The window was small but it was still enough to keep him from going insane and destroying the cell.
However, the thought of being there all alone for the next god knows how long was already making him sweat. Were they trying to make him go insane? Have him kill someone? Kill him? Or maybe he was supposed to be the one to kill himself?
Whatever it was, he did not like it at all. And the idea of becoming a lifeless puppet was less than funny.

"What, they expect me to lose my mind so they can control me? What a shame I don't plan on doing so" Fundy mumbled to himself, kicking a small rock that he found away. "Stupid Bad and his demonic ways"

Stupid! Stupid!

He flinched, a hiss escaping his lips when the voice reached his ears. He laid them back, a threatening hiss accompanied by a flash of his fangs. He turned around, eyes scanning his room before his head snapped to the left where the small window was.
He had to close his eyes a little to be able to see what was on the other side but when he did, his heart almost stopped beating.

A parrot.

And a blue one at that.

But, what the hell was a parrot during underground? Somewhere in the caves? It wasn't their natural habitat and surely, they wouldn't live so deep underground.
Unless something was wrong..

"What the hell?" He asked himself, the blue parrot titling it's head to the right.


His eyes widened at that, eyes perking up slightly at the word. Help? Was the bird there to save him? Free from this prison?

"What do you mean?" He asked.

Getting his hopes up now only to have them he crushed later on wasn't something he was in the mood for.
He stared at the bird that fluttered it's wings, beautiful bright blue feathers showing off. It made Fundy think. The bird reminded him of his uncle.

Could it be..? Was this his uncle? It would made sense. Instead off a ghost, Tommy could turn into a bird since he was an avian. God, it would be such a relief for him.

But it was impossible. Tommy wasn't there. He wasn't coming back.

Send to rescue. Got a mission.

The Poisonous Feather // MHA x DSMPWhere stories live. Discover now