Detective or a spy

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'Went to get groceries, will be back soon. Hawks will stop by in the afternoon'

Tommy sighed, placing the small piece of paper back on the younger where he had found it previously. Aizawa was out.
Petting Boo on he head, he carefully carried his mug to the table where he placed it before returning back to the kitchen. Ghost hopped behind him, his wings flapping in the air whole trying to get his attention. Tommy paid him no mind, instead focusing on getting himself some breakfast. Even if it was 10am.
That morning waking up was harder than normally and even the thought of fresh and sweet pancaked didn't seem to be enough to pull him out of bed. His memory was still a little hazy, the soft ringing in his ear still making its presence known. Even after years of wars and explosions, Tommy was yet to get used to the loud sound and hopefully ignore it.


Tommy glanced towards the floor where the Crow was pulling at his pajamas while chirping furiously. He pushed the bird away, gentle to not hurt it before he returned to his task. But Ghost wasn't a bird that gave up quickly so therefore he quickly made his way back to Tommy's leg to continue pulling at his pants.

"Can't you just leave me alone? I'm trying to make some breakfast" he said, looking at the bird with a pout.


Tommy took a sharp breathe in but choose to ignore the constant chirping and instead carefully take the plate and leave the kitchen.
After he made sure that Boo had her own food and that Ghost wouldn't try to snatch his food, he turned on the TV.
While looking for something interesting to okay in the background while he ate, he didn't hesitate to ruffle Ghost's feathers a little. The bird closed it's beak around his finger, gently holding it and preventing Tommy from moving his finger. He wiggled it a little, a small hiss warning him to not mess around.
Finally, after what seemed like forever in the bird's eyes, Tommy pulled out a small cookie as he held it out for the bird to take.

"Don't chop my finger of while you're at it" Tommy mumbled while taking a bite out of his pancakes.

Ghost stared at him for a moment like he was offended before carefully snatching the cookie from his hold, taking a step back to enjoy it's taste in peace.
All that mattered was the fact that they were all satisfied by the end of the day. More or less, at least.

A small ping was all it took to crash Tommy's peaceful morning. With narrowed eyes, he looked towards his phone and reached to take it, turning the phone on.

Aizawa: You're gonna have some guests over.

Tommy's eyes narrowed. He wasn't expecting anyone, neither was Aizawa. He stared at the screen for some time before his fingers started to move across the screen.

Tommy: What guest?

There was a short silence, no answer coming his way. Then, Aizawa started typing. He saw the 3 dots moving as he awaited anxiously.
Just when Aizawa was about to sent his text, someone knocked on the doors.
Tommy's body stiffened, straightening up as if he  was caught doing something illegal.
Slowly, his body turned around in the direction of the doors like a deer caught in head lights. Ghost himself disappeared the exact moment when the knock reached them, the cookie gone with him. Boo lazily made her way to the couch, flopping on her back and meowing loudly to attract any attention she could. Yet, her tries were ignored.

Tommy flinched when there was a second knock,  his body moving on its own while his heart started beating faster. His fingers slowly trailed along the wall in case he suddenly got dizzy or his body decided to knock itself out.

"I'm coming!" He called out, his voice carried by the chilly air he got used to love over time.

When he reached the door, is body stopped. Unsure of what he should do, the desire to call Aizawa seemed stronger than ever. His phone however was abounded on the table, a distant ping snapping him back to reality. He didn't even realize when his hand touched the knob and when the keys clicked, or when he twisted it easily opening the doors.

His eyes widened when a fist stopped inches from his face, his mind fighting the urge to flinch. As on cue, a voice nervously spoke from behind the fist.

"Ah! I'm sorry fo-"

Tommy dropped to the ground to swing his leg, easily swiping the man's legs from under him. A loud thud was followed with a sharp breathe in, Tommy taking the advantage to hoist himself up in the air. His wings outstretched, hands in front of him in a position that gave him a good defense and attack.

"Ow-! Didn't know you had it in yourself kid" the man said, chuckling to himself. "But I don't blame you, what I did was stupid"

"Who are you?!" Tommy screamed, glaring at the man with wide eyes.

The man only reached ut his hands in the air from his laying position, a hesitant smile on his face.

"Now, don't need to get to angry-" he was cut off when something heavy landed on his chest, the air getting knocked out from his lungs.

"Answer the fucking question or else I won't hesitate to rip your eyes out and then shove them down your throat!" Tommy snapped, adding more weight to his leg that was pinning the man down.

"Alright alright- just ket me breath" he said, taking a deep breathe. "My name is Naomasa Tsukauchi, I'm a detective. I was working along other Pro Heroes when you firth got here"

Oh no. This shit again.
Tommy took a step back, wings neatly laying back on his back and hands resting on his sides. He watched the man stand up, fix his hat and then smile at him widely. Tommy did not like this man by bit.
He only moved to the side, eyes following like a hawk before he shit the door with a loud thud. He walked past the man, going straight for the living room. He could see Boo looking up from her place on the couch, tail swishing from side to side. Tommy smirked. At least she was on his side and not like Ghost who decided to abound him as soon as any danger appears.

"Make yourself feel at home, anything to drink?" Tommy asked.

Tsukauchi looked at him weirdly, maybe it was because Tommy acted like nothing happened few seconds ago.

"No thank you, I'm here to ask you a few questions and then I'm gone" He said, looking around the room at all the furnitures. "Tell me, how is it like living with Eraserhead?"

Tommy stared at him skeptical, one eyebrow raised in question.

"If you want to move in with him, then fuck off. He already has me and I don't plan on sharing all this space with anyone else. Especially with detectives"

Tsukauchi looked at him, his smile wavering a little.

"I have my own home, so don't worry about me invading your space. May I ask what's wrong with being a detective?"

Tommy shrugged, snatching a pancake and bitting into it.

"Well you know- Detectives are like spies. I have spies and anything related to them" He said, a small smile creeping onto his face. "They sneak around, collect informations, pretend they are good and then they go off and betray you. Really, there's nothing good about them"

Tsukauchi hummed, taking his eyes off of the kid and glancing at the cat that laid on the other end od the couch that he was sitting on. The reason why the cat was staring at him so intensely was a mystery with no answers. Tommy noticed his unsure look and he also looked at Boo.

"She doesn't like Strangers that visit her home. Especially those who may be a threat of some sort to her owner" Tommy said, head titled to the side as he smiled.

"Oh? And what does she do?" The detective asked, only them noticing the sharp claws that were sticking out from her paws.

"We usually let her rip whoever is not well-behaved into shreds. But she's a sweet girl most of the time, so you don't have to worry." He said, before his smile fell. "Unless you're lying to me and you came here to do something.."

Tsukauchi looked up at Tommy with widened eyes, sweat collecting on his forehead and neck. God, was this kid really this terrifying? It was hard to tell since the last time he saw him was when he was unconscious.

"Ah, of course not! Why would I be hiding something?" He sweat dropped.

Tommy glared at him with no expression on his face, eyes empty but focused.

"Exactly. Why would you hide anything if you can tell me the truth?"

And then Tsukauchi knew why his gut was telling him it was a bad idea in the beginning.
He should have listened.

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