Blame yourself

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Oh god, sorry for such a late update again! I swear I will post more regularly once the school ends, which will be in one week.

Just a quick note, the BNHA lore will be slightly changed.. mainly moved in time because I have no freaking idea how to do it differently. So please, don't get mad at me if it seems rushed. I just want to get to the main plot...


・.。.:* *.:。.・

"How do you feel?" The doctor asked, standing next to the hospital bed and looking down at his patient.

Tommy shrugged. He hasn't felt anything, no pain, no relief, nothing. He was numb, drugged with more pills and medicine than he has ever been. He was barely able to recognize two of them, the rest unknown. But Aizawa said that it was fine and they were just trying to help him, so he let them put more and more drugs into his body. They made him feel better, so why not?
He wasn't able to asleep and if it any other occasion, he would be upset. Because if he did somehow manage to close his eyes even for a second to drift off to sleep, he would be wide awake not even second later with sweat covering his whole body. The nightmares were haunting him, causing him to feel scared and panic. He wanted to stay awake at all times but even he knew it wouldn't be possible. At least Ghost was there to lift his spirits and offer some comfort. Speaking of which, the doctors were slightly shocked to see so many crows in his room once hey came back to run some tests on him.
Despite being allowed to keep one crow with him, he was still grateful. Better one than nothing.

"Like I'm not even here, you know? But better, definitely better" He said, smiling softly at his father who grimaced.

"At least it's something" Aizawa mumbled, glancing at his phone. "Hawks said he will come by today to pay you a visit. And probably apologize for leaving you alone"

Tommy frowned, staring at the ceiling. It was plain, white and simply boring. Yet his attention always seemed to go that way.

"Hm" he huffed. "He doesn't have to apologize for anything. It was my own fault for leaving him without any explanations, wasn't it?"

Tommy honestly couldn't remember..

"It's probably because I told him that if something was to happen to you, I would make sure he would face the consequences. Or maybe because he feels bad and is blaming himself, hard to tell." Aizawa said, giving Tommy's hand a gentle squeeze.

"Just make sure to not stress too much. It will only make you feel more disoriented and confused." The doctor said, smiling at Tommy before placing a small bottle of pills on his left. "If you experience some pains, please take this. But not more than one pill. Your body is already running on too many pills to add even more."

With that, the doctor nodded at the two men and left, silently closing the doors.
Tommy's eyes returned to the ceiling, a low sigh slipping past his parted lips. His hand was gently scratching Ghost's head and under his beak which the crow gladly accepted.

"Is this how you feel when you're old? Too tired to move or do anything?" Tommy mumbled, smiling when he heard the older man scoff.

"Normally, I would tie you up and hung upside down but considering your current state, I will let it slide." Aizawa grumped, flicking Tommy's forehead.

"Ow-! Assault! I have been assaulted!" Tommy whined, throwing his head back and placing his hand over his eyes.

Aizawa only chuckled, patting his head affectionately before telling him to shut up before he would cause any trouble. Accusing a Pro Hero of assault and acting violent? He couldn't have that, especially not from his son.

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