Isn't that your fault?

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Nothing today is going according to my plans and while all I wanna do is go cry in my shower, I know I don't really have a choice.
So, you're gonna suffer with me while reading this chapter 😃

・.。.:* *.:。.・

The day of the Sports Festival was filled with entertainment, food stalls, Pro Heroes and mainly students who were other excited for the event or overwhelmingly stressed to the point of feeling sick. Normally, Tommy would be the one to feel sick and probably faint due to too much pressure. But luckily for him, he was busy standing near the food stalls and waiting for Aizawa to come and join him.
Plus, he could stare at all the food and hopefully find something that would motivate him enough to come back here and get it. Otherwise, he was opting to satisfy himself with chips that he grabbed from their house, which were just some plain potato chips that he wasn't really interested in.
He was also silently hoping that Aizawa would hurry up and not make him ling wait because he still wanted to find Todoroki and wish him some luck and maybe also see the rest of the class...


Tommy glanced at Ghost who was sitting patiently on his shoulder, previously watching something on his phone with him. His voice however caught him off guard, the phone almost slipping from his fingers.



Tommy gave him an odd look before shrugging, careful to not do it too suddenly so the bird wouldn't tumble down his arm.

"Yeah, there are a lot of people. After all, many will watch the Festival, be it here or at home. We will probably stumble into a lot of people we don't know" Tommy explained, gently scratching the bird's head.

No no

Tommy furrowed his eyebrows, his act of affection stopping and letting his friend speak.

Behind us

It was enough to make Tommy's body freeze, finally realizing that there was someone in fact behind them. The sudden appearance was not welcomed and the warm air didn't make it easier for him. His body tensed, eyes widened a little as he slowly began to turn around. Ghost saw the person before he did and his reaction surely didn't calm Tommy down. Because the second that Ghost squeaked and dived in the hood of his hoodie, only his beak peaking out, someone's voice sent shivers dorn Tommy's body.

"Wings? Is that your quirk?"

When Tommy finally turned around, the slight fear turned into disgust. He knew that face damn well. Short and spiky, crimson hair with turquoise eyes, eyebrows and beard made of fire.. Only one person walked around looking like some flaming trash.

Endeavor, the number #2 Pro Hero. What a coincidence.

"Yeah, why? Jealous?" Tommy asked, not able to resist pissing off the older Hero.

"Watch your tone, kid. You're talking to a numer 2 Pro Hero, not one of your friends" Endeavor stated, arms crossed over his chest as he looked down at Tommy.

"I know. After all, when I'm talking to my friends I know I'm talking to normal people. They deserve some respect and of course, who am I to not do that?" Tommy remarked. "Now, what could you possibly want from me, oh my dear Hero?"

The Poisonous Feather // MHA x DSMPWhere stories live. Discover now