Wild wild... what?

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Just realized I skipped like a whole arc- Final exams went by and Tommy stayed in the hospital :)
Let's just ignore that fact.. I had no idea about how to go about this plus it would take a whole lot more time and the plot would change..


・.。.:* *.:。.・

It didn't take long for Aizawa to regret his life decisions, especially when his students started causing chaos even before they got on the bus. Just standing there was exhausting him and the mere thought of having to endure their chaotic and untamed nature was already forming a headache that he did not appreciate. At least there were a few students that could stay calm and put for a few hours, otherwise Aizawa would have just dumped them somewhere in the forest and have them fend for themselves. It wasn't such a bad idea, now that he thought about it..

He tried to savor the short moment of peace and opted to take a much deserved nap, settling down in his seat and crossing his arms over his chest.

With his head resting against the bus window, Aizawa stared out of it and observed the slowly moving clouds and the fog that enveloped them briefly. Tommy would like this weather, he decided. His wings would get a little wet and the feathers would grow a little heavier but it would keep him cool and busy enough to not focus on anything else. That's what he would do sometimes whenever there was something plaguing him. He would sit outside with his wings opened to let them catch the drops of rain and feel the chilly air.

Aizawa found it odd when he noticed Tommy missing from the living room, having seen him there a few minutes earlier. He knew for a fact that he hasn't gotten to his room, he would be able to hear him. Instead, Aizawa walked towards the window and looked outside, searching for the blonde.
As expected, he did find him outside, sitting on grass with his head up. Little clothes were on him, barely a t-shirt and some trousers. No shoes nor jacket. The rain was pouring down, soaking him from head to toe yet he didn't seem bothered. Quite the opposite, actually.

Making his way out too, Aizawa slowly approached his son with an umbrella that was open and shielding him from the rain. He made his way over to Tommy with little to no struggle and looked over him, blocking the falling rain.
Tommy's eyes opened lazily, blue eyes locking with the deep black ones. A small smile slipped onto his lips, exhaustion clear behind it.

"What brings you outside this fine rainy day?" Tommy asked, squinting his eyes when the sun hit them.

"I was wondering why my son was sitting outside in the rain with no jacket or shoes on. Mind explaining to me why?'' Aizawa responded with a question of his own.

Tommy moved to the side where the rain continued to fall on him and Aizawa frowned, but it softened when Tommy patted the ground next to him. Ignoring the cold and wet dirt that soaked his clothes, Aizawa sat on the grass next to Tommy and relaxed slightly, even if he felt uncomfortable by the water under him.

"Rain helps me relax, it makes me feel free. Every single drop that falls on my wings is like a sprinkle of freedom" Tommy explained, leaning forward and allowing his body to land against the grass, wings sprawling on the ground.

Aizawa watched him silently, the relaxed expression on Tommy's face was enough of a proof that what he was saying was real. It made him look younger, almost as if all the trauma and pain that he carried on his shoulders disappeared.

"Don't your wings get wet?" He asked after a moment, his hands moving to close the umbrella and put it on the side, abandoning the safety under it.

The Poisonous Feather // MHA x DSMPWhere stories live. Discover now