A real Hero

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He wasn't going to be okay.

After chugging down another potion of healing that worked its way around his headache and numbing the pain in his leg. It did barely anything to help with the wound, almost like the magic was avoiding that place for some reason. And as he came to a realization, it could be due to the knife being poisoned or coated in another effect of some quirk that he hasn't met yet.
Either way, the pain was still there. And all the blood that pooled under him surely didn't make it easier but he was glad to know that he wasn't going to bleed out any time soon. At least he hoped so. The blood wasn't drying off, the crimson red substance still fresh and giving off that metalic disgusting smell, attacking his senses from all directions. He was close to throwing up, his stomach already twisting and pulling.
He didn't know what was worse at this point.

Hawks joined him on the ground soon enough, landing two feet away to not accidentally injure him. Behind him, the unconscious body of the villain who started it all fell to the ground with a loud thump, Hawks creaky not carrying about hurting the man. Instead, he get down as quickly as he could before darting towards Tommy, who was clutching his leg in pain. He jumped to his knees, hands reaching out to hold Tommy's legs in place, noticing how the foggy eyes looked up at him.

"Did you.. get him?" He asked in a hushed voice, lips barely moving at this point.

"Yeah, don't you worry about him. I also called an ambulance, you will need it" Hawks said, raising his hand in the air when he sensed Tommy was about to protest. "Don't you dare argue with me, Tommy. The wound in your leg is a serious problem as of right now, we have to get you treated"

Tommy only sighed, carefully letting his head fall back and rest against the cold but harsh wall. He stared at the sky for a moment, eyes almost slipping closed but he forced himself to move a little in hopes of waking his body up.
Meanwhile Hawks took it as the opportunity to tie up the villain, making sure all his knives and other weapons were secured and away from his reach. Just when he was about to check the other's pockets, he stopped for a moment, before shaking his head to continue what he was doing. Tommy took notice of the little hesitant move and pointed it out.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked, his voice a little louder but still not enough for Hawks to consider it as his normal voice.

"I was just wondering if he was some pesky random villain that decided to mess around or if he was here on purpose. You know, LOV and all" Hawks said, pulling one feather out and keeping it close to the villain's neck just in case.

Tommy shrugged to the best of his ability, hissing in pain when his leg moved an inch. Hawks only glared in his direction, the message clear and sent straight to Tommy's head.

"You think that he has something to do with the villain who has been targeting me?" Tommy asked slowly, his words blurring in hiw own mouth.

"Perhaps" Hawks said. "we can't be too sure but anything is possible. Better be safe than sorry"

"You can get the detective to question him, I'm sure he would gladly do it for me" Tommy said with a small smile.

"You mean the one that you took for a flight and almost dropped five times?" A single nod. "Then I'm not sure if he's willing to work with you.."

"It's not like he will get a choice" Tommy smirked, flicking his fingers to show how he would create a potion.

Hawks only scoffed with a smile on his face, before approaching Tommy and sitting down next to him, before placing his hand on the make shift bandage made out of his sleeve. It wasn't the best, sure. But it was enough to put pressure on the wound and stop the bleeding at least a little bit.
They sat in silence for a moment, both wandering off in their own little worlds. Hawks wondering if he would live to see the next day and Tommy wondering if there was something he should do.
Glancing down at his phone that was spared with few small crack, which was honestly a miracle, he pulled it out. Turning on the small device, Tommy was met with a message on top of his screen. He squinted his eyes a little, not sure if what he was seeing was correct or if he was imagining things.

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