Complicated visit

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Tommy liked to think that he was a man of his word, or at least he tried to be most of the time. So, just like he promised, the next time he went to visit the hospital with newly made potions, he also stayed behind to pay Rei a small visit.
He actually went as far as buying her some flowers, since the room looked a little dull and there was a small flower shop few blocks down the street and the old lady there was quite nice too..
He was actually kinda excited to visit Rei, because he hasn't seen her for some time now and he felt bad for not visiting sooner. Plus, taking to someone else would help him take him mind off of things especially the Sport's festival. And as much as he wanted to participate in it, he also knew they were right. It was too much of a risk to just show up and use his quirks. Who knew if they weren't watching? Maybe they had a spy who would sneak in and watch?
Tommy did not want to find out, getting kidnapped was the last thing on his list to do.

The walk to the hospital was peaceful like always with few people passing him and minding their business. He didn't bother them and they didn't bother him, so it was a win win. He could fly there but he was too lazy to do so and instead chose to just take a walk and enjoy the fresh air. With the birds singing above his head and occasional strays just lurking around in search of food. Sometimes, he would bring something with him and feed them, having even some of them used to him. Like that one dog with only one eye and neglected body, but Tommy was ready to say it was one of the sweetest dog's he ever met. That was one part that Tommy preferred about his old home. There was no strays, because no one really befriended a wolf only to leave it behind. If anything, those dogs stayed with them until the end and Tommy couldn't even remember if there was anyone who ever Abonded their dog.
But stil, he wasn't going to go back. He made up his mind, the safety was too Dearing to ignore.
And maybe it was for the best.

"Good morning Tommy, visiting again I see?" The receptionist welcomed him with a warm smile, Tommy nodding at her casually.

"Yeah, came to drop these off and visit Mrs. Rei if that's not a problem" he said, placing the bags down on the counter.

"The woman looked inside and smiled upon seeing the pink and purple potions, giving Tommy a closed eye smile.

"Ah, thank you so much for these! You don't even know how much it helps out patients. One of them actually saved a patient a week ago, we used it in the last moment"

Tommy smiled, before leaning away and turning away to where the rooms were.

"That's good to hear. Now, I will be going. See you later" Tommy said, quickly leaving.

The nurse followed him with her eyes for a moment, a kind smile on her face. That kid surely was something else, bringing them so many stuff and not wanting anything in exchange. What a kind heart..
But her eyes snapped open as she realized something, leaning over the counter to catch Tommy but it was too late with Tommy already gone from her sight.

"Ah, I forgot Young Todoroki came to visit his mother.. My my, I hope nothing bad happens"

As Tommy walked down the hallway, he was quick to approach the right doors. A smile smile plastered on his face, expression softening. As he was about to open the doors, he heard two familiar voices. One belonging to Rei and the other to.. Oh. He was fucked up, wasn't he? He felt his heartbeat speeding up to an uncomfortable peace that nade his chest hurt. He was going to regret this so so bad later on, but he was already there and he didn't feel like leaving without saying a proper good morning or shit.
Despite knowing what the consequences could be, Tommy took a deep breath in, smiled like nothing was wrong and pushed the doors open with his leg. The bag on his arm clicked, the bottles gently hitting each other and the liquid lazily splashing inside.
He pretended to not notice Todoroki at first, beaming at the woman who looked up at him with a small smile.

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